Kindness is something we are taught at a very young age. I’ve tried to be cognizant of being kind to others throughout my life. Even those who have no

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Kindness is something we are taught at a very young age. I’ve tried to be cognizant of being kind to others throughout my life. Even those who have not been considerate to me. But what about being kind to ourselves? Why has this not been ingrained as a priority?

Is your act of kindness toward others learned? Or is it reflecting your innate kindness? Read this article to begin making a shift toward greater kindness. Your love for yourself will grow deeper; as will your growth and connection with others.


insight from thriving women

Be You and Thrive:
Do you think loving yourself allows you to love others?

"It’s so true that you can’t love other people until you love yourself. You have to be really forgiving of yourself. This is important to me. I think I’m very forgiving with myself and I also respect who I am. I know who I am more than I ever have and that’s a really beautiful thing. It brings ease when you’re able to edit what you want in and out of your life. It’s very easy to make decisions when you know who you are.” Krista Parin, Buchanan, MI

Click here to read our full interview with Krista Parin.



Feelings of inadequacy can block creativity and opportunity. It can also take away our joy and cause stress or depression. When we believe we are inadequate, we confine the abilities that we have and consequently stop the flow of growth within our lives.

Below are some daily practices that will help you begin to change your definition of what it means to be acceptable, capable and competent:

Be your own catalyst for change.
Take charge of your thoughts and realize you can control them. You can begin by developing individual practices to gain new habits. It’s crucial to believe that you have the ability to change how you think and thus behave. Becoming aware of when you feel inadequate takes time and evaluation. It will allow the opportunity to prevent and redirect your emotions and thus their outcome. (For more information, click here for full article).

Stop ranking.
Life it not a competition. We should each be celebrating the achievements of others. Instead, we often compare our achievements to others. Someone’s success, does not have to discount yours. They are not comparable.

Perspective on everyday influences.
Everyday we are influenced by social media and various marketing channels. Somehow, everyone is beautifully coiffed from the moment they rise to bedtime! If only I could look that way when I awake each morning. The reality of what we see over and over again within the media, (which gets confusing because it often isn’t reality), can deeply effect our subconscious. Why does everyone have it so good? It can cause us to wonder why our lives seem so difficult in comparison. Social media, virtual technology, 'reality TV' and other 'creative' marketing efforts are going to continue to evolve. We need to learn new ways to observe these everyday influences through an objective lens, take advantage of any opportunity they may offer and consider how much of it we want to fit into our individual lives.


Growth is a daily practice and is essential to live life to your full potential.

Be You and Thrive is an online community empowering you to thrive through insight and personal growth.

The Thrive Blog provides resourceful editorial focused on how to strengthen your daily practice. Visit the blog for information and insight from D's personal research, experiences and conducted interviews, to inspire thought and change to your life.

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