The Guru Mama

Good Bye Taurus Hello Gemini!


Goodbye Taurus, Hello Gemini! By the end of the day on Sunday, the Sun will have shifted out of the Earth sign that had us firming up our foundations and getting clear on the hard work needed to receive what we want from our lives and careers and into the lighter, fun-loving Air sign of Gemini until June 20th.

This is a season for getting social! In the modern version of astrology, Gemini corresponds with the 3rd house of Social Networking. It's a great month for solidifying your social media strategy and making sure your message conveys the words, ideas, and feelings that will allow you to get your mission heard and help others take your work more seriously.

Online - aim to educate, entertain, or inspire with everything you share. Offline - try to surround yourself with more like-minded people who love similar things that you do and you may be surprised by just how helpful having some kindred connections in your corner really can be.

With the First Quarter Moon also striking on Monday, it's time to commit to seeing a big goal through. This is going to be quite a busy week - and month - and while you may be tempted to multi-task until your mind feels like it might explode, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help!

For more details on how to harness the astrological energy for your upcoming work week...Like The Guru Mama Page

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Blessings of Love & Light
Mama g

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