
March 21, 2023


When we think of reality, this elicits different responses and definitions. Some people think they've understood and learned everything to know, so they are content with their beliefs. This is especially true for religious people. Others, like myself, realize the more we learn, the less we understand. For centuries free thinkers and those who went against the established system of thought were not only ridiculed, but some of them were jailed and even put to death by political and religious zealots protecting the status quo. Nothing has changed in this regard. Rather than genuinely wanting to understand what is happening behind the scenes and accept the fate of being a free thinker, most would rather be entertained and dumbed down by distraction and misdirection. Like today - is Trump really that important that we must worry about his arrest? This is a diversion. The global economy is crumbling and will not survive what is about to happen, and most Americans are more worried about The Final Four than their investments and bank accounts. So be it. Those of us with intelligence above that of a bread and circuses connoisseur have more pressing matters to attend to; excuse us while we piss on ESPN.

If I were to explain to you what I believe at the moment, if it were in your power, you'd probably have me committed to an insane asylum. Fortunately for myself and millions of others worldwide, this does not happen as frequently as it could. However, countless people have been "disappeared" by intelligence agencies over the last 100 years, which presented a potential risk to the established "norm." Their great sin? They dared challenge the 'current' understanding, resulting in governments and religious organizations losing their monopoly on thought.

Case in point, the recent COVID-19 so-called pandemic. I won't go into repeated detail here; you can find those here in many related updates released over the last two years. We've been lied to and manipulated. Same with the current proxy war in Ukraine, the 'Chinese' incursions into U.S. airspace, the train derailments and food shortages, and most recently, the global financial crisis soon to turn into a worldwide depression. Unless you dig extremely deep down the rabbit hole, you won't remotely understand, let alone believe, what is truly happening. Our current reality is a colossal lie.

Religionists have no reasonable answer to how Dinosaurs existed millions of years before man appeared on the earth. They have no plausible explanation for why large pyramids all over the planet predate every ancient empire, including the Egyptian and Chinese dynasties, by hundreds of thousands of years or how they are perfectly aligned to constellations lights years away from earth. As I've stated, religion, especially western religions, are control mechanisms, nothing more. Yes, the Bible, in particular, is true in many regards regarding the historical record and archaeology, especially when it pertains to Judaism. The fantasy comes into play when Christians, in particular, do not understand that the Nativity scene most prevalent at Christmas time is simply a rendering of ancient deities of gods and goddesses thousands of years prior. Every religion has a savior. And every religion has a form of soteriology. EVERY SINGLE ONE. What makes yours so unique?

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What is my point? The point is this; until humankind is allowed to comprehend the true history of planet earth, the actual answers to questions like why the universe was created, what is Man's purpose in it, and who made our concept of God, then most will continue in the dark grasping at straws by deliberate design. They will hold onto easily refutable tenets of religion and label those of us questioning our reality as faithless or evil. I've learned to ignore such people. They are afraid, and their fear motivates them to protect their belief structure no matter what. They view intellectualism and science as protagonists against their view of reality. So be it. And honestly, we need people like this; otherwise, there would be global anarchy. If everyone were a philosopher, the world would be a very dull place. We need the jesters and the functional idiots. Why? Because all of us used to be in that camp!

In the next series of updates, I will continue with last year's updates regarding the rabbit hole and how deep it goes. It's time. People are waking up to reality more and more today. They see fraud and corruption in government, religion, finance, global politics, education, and society at large. When I started researching such topics over 30 years ago, you were considered a wingnut if you even mentioned a global conspiracy to control humanity via a new world order, or what is termed today, The Great Reset. And when you elaborated that all the expected future messiahs and saviors scheduled to return to planet earth to save humanity from itself and judge the wicked were fanciful illusions, you were dismissed outright; in fact, we still are, sadly.


So prepare yourself. What I will state in the next update will seem like science fiction, a Hollywood disaster movie, a made-up scenario of fear-mongering about the end of the world, or just plain craziness. But guess what? It's reality, true, it WILL happen, and our governments have been preparing for it since the 1980s. Once you realize this, the hyper-push toward a Great Reset will begin to make perfect sense. The collapse of the world's monetary system is only the beginning. The world governmental structure MUST be in place before THIS occurs.

Before WHAT occurs, you ask?

Stay tuned! More to come . . .

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