Bruce Littlefield Dinner Party Talk
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Hopping mad!

See that? That's the face of the White House Easter Bunnyfor the now infamous Easter Egg Roll 2018. It was weird. Really weird. #45 totally forgot he was talking to children and talked the economy, the military, and, well, said, "I want to thank the White House Historical Association and all of the people that work so hard with Melania, with everybody, to keep this incredible house or building, or whatever you want to call it — because there really is no name for it; it is special — and we keep it in tip-top shape. We call it sometimes tippy-top shape. And it’s a great, great place." I'm linking to the official version of the speech released by the White House (incidentally, that's what its called) . But kiddies, in case you need to know, we're in Tippy-top shape and "Our military is now at a level — will soon be at a level that it’s never been before. It’s a — you see what’s happening, and you see what’s happening with funding. The funding of our military was so important. And so many military people are with us today. So just think of $700 billion, because that’s all going into our military this year." Can I just have my stinking egg you bloated Orange buffoon?

Proudly deplorable...

By the way, Donny Jr decided it would be a good idea to wear a “Deplorable” pin as part of his Easter Egg Roll attire. Yep, at right is the picture proof. Meanwhile, his Daddy, at 15 months into his presidency, tweeted this week: "Thank you to Rasmussen for the honest polling. Just hit 50%, which is higher than Cheatin’ Obama at the same time in his Administration." Um, for the record at 15 months President Obama had saved the economy that was plunging off a cliff, saved the auto industry, fixed the fair pay act, passed the most important health care law since Medicare, implemented infrastrucure plan, and won the Nobel prize. But speaking of cheating, the 239 Pound Orange cheated on all three of his wives, has cheated numerous workers out of pay, cheated his way out of Vietnam, and cheated his way to the presidency. But never mind that. I'll tell you what's reeeeeally deplorable. Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz has been receiving piles of fan mail and money. What's wrong with us? How are we going to stop this madness? When is enough enough?


I don't know how to break this to you, but all but one of the White House interns are white. The monochromatic racial representation reflects the current administration's beliefs and is a great game of Where's Waldo. Find the black guy! Anywho, if you want numbers, we here in America are: 38% People of Color, 31% White Women, 31% White Men. And the White House interns? 2% People of Color, 25% White Women, 73% White Men. Woo hoo! Make America White Again!

Running on empty

The man who headed the Environmental Protection Agency under Nixon and Reagan says that current EPA head Scott Pruitt and his top staff “don’t fundamentally agree with the mission” of the agency. Seems about right. This week he announced the administration is withdrawing a decades-old air policy aimed at reining in some of the largest sources of hazardous pollutants like mercury and lead and the U.S. is weakening fuel economy standards for automobiles. That's a win for auto manufacturers and a loss for the planet. It's also a rejection of one of Obama's biggest efforts to combat climate change by curbing greenhouse gas emissions. By the way, this Pig Pruitt's 20-member, 24-hour security detail is costing us taxpayers millions of dollars and is guarding him rather than investigating environmental crimes. Here's a long list of his controversies. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabeast Sanders said Friday that #45 believes Pruitt is doing a good job at the EPA and "restored it back to its original purpose of protecting the environment. It's got unnecessary regulations out of the way." Huh? Cough. Cough.

Stupid is as stupid does...

Did you hear about the mother in Arizona who was arrested after trying to wake her son for Easter church service by using a stun gun? Yep, 40-year-old Sharron Dobbins "contact tazed her teenage son on the leg" and said, "Get up! It's Jesus' Day!'" Think that's dumb? Well, try this one on for size... a scuba diver in Hawaii is in the hospital after he inserted his um, clam digger, into a giant clam while diving. That's right. He stuck his one-eyed trouser trout, his heat seeking moisture missile, his Dora the explorer into a giant clam. Result? The giant mollusk exposed him to high levels of arsenic and triggered his allergy to seafood resulting in severe breathing complications, vomiting, extreme swelling and low blood pressure. He's expected to recover. The clam? Not so much.

Question of the week

Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned? No, seriously, the real question is: have you heard about condom snorting? There was the Tide Pod challenge and the "cinnamon challenge," but now there's the Condom Snorting Challenge. That's right... teenagers are unwrapping a condom and snorting it up a nostril and then pulling it through the pharynx and out of the mouth. I'm going to try it because I'm a really smart person, a very stable genius.

Defining moment

Dysania – also referred to as Clinomania, is the term for having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. Sufferers have an overriding need to stay in bed despite their responsibilities in the outside world. This can cause sufferers to spend days at a time in bed and often causes serious personal and health problems. In 1956, the General Electric Company unveiled the "Telechron 7H241." Billed as ‘the world’s most humane alarm clock’, it had a "snooze button." It promised a new, gentler way to wake up, guaranteeing a few extra minutes of precious sleep with just a simple click. Unfortunately, scientists say the snooze button, like a stun gun, isn't good for you as it takes your body and brain by surprise, and results in a groggy, fuzzy-headed feeling called sleep inertia. The more you snooze, the more confused your body and brain get (“So are we going back to sleep or not?!”), so you’ll probably feel more out of it even though you actually spent extra time in bed. Research has found this type of sleep inertia can last for up to two to four hours. So, scientists say forget the snooze, and GET UP! Here are 5 Ways to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button.


▪ "He's a 'prawn.' You just want to rip the head off and keep the body."
▪ "I can’t remember when I started noticing crotches before faces."
▪ "My brakes would get so hot, I would pop my tube."
▪ "There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it."
"He's a 'prawn.' You just want to rip the head off and keep the body."
"I can’t remember when I started noticing crotches before faces."
"My brakes would get so hot, I would pop my tube."
"There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it."

Last laugh

Jewish people don’t recognize Jesus Christ as their messiah.
Muslims don’t recognize the Pope as their spiritual leader.
Evangelical Christians don’t recognize each other at Hooters.

Fortune cookie wisdom

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When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.

Bruce Lifestyle Authority

It's April 7, 2018. And there's still snow on the ground. Spring needs to stand up to winter and kick it in the snowballs!

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