Welcome Back! Hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer filled with opportunities to enjoy family and friends. As we get ready to embark on another


Welcome Back!

Hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer filled with opportunities to enjoy family and friends. As we get ready to embark on another exciting academic year, we here at the National Education Service Company (N.E.S.C.O.) are ready to continue our commitment to providing educators with timely information, professional services and instructional publications. This year N.E.S.C.O. is proud to introduce two fabulous new services Quick/Clicks and Best/Book/Buys both described in this newsletter.
Don't forget to visit our website at #nescoed.com for complete access to all N.E.S.C.O. services. When you visit or website be sure to share your thoughts and ideas through "EdXchange" our education blog. You can also join us on your favorite social media site! N.E.S.C.O. maintains a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and Pinterest.
On behalf of the entire staff at the National Education Service Company (N.E.S.C.O.) we wish you a successful and rewarding new school year!

"The Instructor"

In this Issue

Point of View
"Change is Coming"
(A commentary on the use of standardized test scores to evaluate students and teachers)

New to NESCO

Featured Publication
"Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice"

NESCO Products and Services

Resources and Reviews


Point of View

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Change is Coming

******Just when it looked like little hope existed for overhauling state's use of test scores in evaluating teachers, a new wave of sanity has begun to take hold and influence the need for change.
There is no question that states using test scores to evaluate teachers and principals are severely weakening the morale among teachers, parents and administrators. Worse is the use of "growth scores" which can count for as much as 50% of a teachers evaluation and measure student improvement by comparing scores against other classes in the state.
Last April, more than 200,000 New York State students in grades 3 - 8 opted out of state mandated English and Math tests. This was the biggest test boycott in the nation and only one of many boycotts in other states. It is time to admit that improper use of standardized test scores is a mistake and not admitting it is even a bigger mistake. New York State Regent Roger Tilles has called for changes in state law that place the emphasis on local measures of achievement for evaluating students and teachers. Even newly appointed Education Commissioner (NYS) MaryEllen Elia seems to recognize that something has to change.
The arguments made against the use of local measures of evaluation are as follows:
1. Local measures can be manipulated
2. Local measures are not uniform from one district.
Both these arguments are absurd! First of all, the fear of manipulation of test scores is insulting to professional educators everywhere and unrealistic and the call for uniformity is educationally unsound. Are all students the same in every school district? Do all schools have the same resources? The last thing we should want is uniformity in testing. What we need to do is differentiate what we test and how we test students. A fundamental law of education is that all students learn at their own pace and not all students learn the same way. Testing students to evaluate teachers is wrong for students and unfair to teachers.
Lets' hope this small awakening is the start of real change.

.New to NESCO

Quick/Clicks from NESCO!

Every teacher needs simple ready to use teaching aides, such as lesson plans, assessment forms, do-now's, charts. lists guides etc. NESCO now provides all types of simple instructional aids that are easy to use, ready to implement. All under $10 and Immediately available via pdf or hard copy by mail.
Visit Quick/Clicks on our website at "Shop NESCO" @nescoed.com


NESCO is proud to announce Best/Book/Buys an important new service for all educators!
Reading may be the path to all knowledge but, when there is so much to read and personal time is so limited, eductaors need to know what’s truly important to read. The NESCO editorial board researches and reviews thousands of education books. Only the best books covering the most important and relevant areas of education, become BEST/BOOK/BUYS and are made available through our website as part of "Shop NESCO" at #nescoed.com. Now you can book shop with ease and confidence knowing you made a BEST/Book/Buy from "Shop NESCO".

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“Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice"
by Joseph Timothy Pergola
The National Education Service Company's newest publication, "Teaching Today:" examines the factors that have changed the face of education and the skills and knowledge teacher candidates must possess to secure and succeed as teachers. “Teaching Today:” is a must read for every education student, and the perfect text book for student teaching seminar students.
$19.95 Softcover
@ nescoed.com (Educational Resources)

"Reforming Eduction Reform
by Paul R. Lehman
Music Educators Journal 3/15

[Teachers Net]
A great resource for all teachers. Contains lesson plans and classroom projects for all grades in all areas of instruction. Also maintains an active chatboard and teacher classified section.

Prezi for iPad lets you create, edit, present, and watch presentations in real-time, whenever and wherever you want. Present live to your students and colleagues or follow along with their presentations, no matter where you happen to be.

[Why I Flipped My Classroom]
This video simply explains the reasons for and the advantage flipped classroom.

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