What's Happening at Sacred Path . . . This Sunday at a Glance Workshop: Worship for Everyone: Creating Meaningful Multigenerational Worship Date/Ti


What's Happening at Sacred Path . . .


This Sunday at a Glance

Workshop: Worship for Everyone: Creating Meaningful Multigenerational Worship
Date/Time: Sun, Nov. 9th, 11:00 AM
Location: CUUF, 1818 W. 57th St., Indianapolis

Anna Styers-Barnett will lead a workshop from the book Come Into the Circle: Worshiping with Children by Michele Richards. This workshop will facilitate a deeper conversation about what it means to develop meaningful multigenerational worship experiences for all ages. We will create a plan that fosters the connections between children, youth, and adults in our community, brainstorm new rituals and ways of worshiping together, and learn about the developmental and spiritual needs of different age groups. Children and youth are valued members of our faith community, and are strongly encouraged to participate as we build new ways to create sacred space and worship in the circle together.

Featured Events

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Worship: Ordinary Blessings

Sun, Nov. 16th, 11:00 AM. Stephanie and Tom Robertson will lead an interactive service on the theme of being thankful, including an opportunity to create an expression of personal gratitude.

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Winter Solstice Singing Ritual!

Mark your calendars for the Winter Solstice ritual on Saturday, Dec. 20, 7:00 p.m, returning to UUI (615 W. 43rd St.). This year's event is a collaboration among Central Indiana UU Congregations, as well as other supporting congregations, groups, and individuals. The plan is to again share the ritual at the Indiana Women's Prison on Sunday, Dec. 21.

Choir rehearsals start Sun, Nov. 23rd, 1:00-3:00 PM! Wanna sing in the choir? Sign up and see the rehearsal schedule here.

Stay tuned for more ways you can volunteer and bring this wonderful event to life!



Sacred Path Now Accepts Online Donations

Giving to Sacred Path just got a whole lot easier! In addition to giving on Sunday mornings, there are several other methods for supporting Sacred Path's community and ministries.

Donate Online: See our donations web page to set up a one-time or recurring gift to Sacred Path using your credit card. There are various set levels of giving, with the ability to create your own level.
Checks: You can now make donations to Sacred Path via personal check. Please make the check payable to Sacred Path Church and bring it with you to church for the collection plate.

Coming soon....the ability to set up a pledge and fulfill online via credit card or directly from your bank account!

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New Lifespan Faith Formation & Worship Team

The Worship and RE Teams at Sacred Path recently merged to form the Lifespan Faith Formation & Worship Team. We’re experimenting with new worship styles, as well as a new monthly pattern for services, which will generally be as follows:

1st Sundays: Contemporary worship service with increased participation for children and youth.
2nd Sundays: Interactive worship, which will include multigenerational RE activities.
3rd Sundays: Contemporary worship service with increased participation for children and youth.
4th Sundays:Multigenerational community service projects.
5th Sundays: Experiential worship service or Chalice Circles.

In the Community - This Weekend!

Spirit and place

Spirit & Place Festival Event: "From Addiction and Loss to Wholeness"

Sat, Nov 8th, 1:30-3:00 PM. Fairbanks Recovery Center, 8102 Clearvista Parkway. Join Diana Ensign and other panelists to share stories of healing that touch on spirituality, music, writing and public policy. More details here.

The Spirit & Place Festival is Nov 7-16! See the exciting event program here and plan to attend!

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Indianapolis Women's Chorus Concert: "Dreams & Lullabies" - Get Tickets Now!

Sat, Nov 8th, 8:00 PM and Sun, Nov 9th, 3:00 PM. UUI (615 W. 43rd St). Come hear beautiful lullabies from several countries, and explore music's ability to comfort and inspire each of us. Order advance price tickets no later than Friday at IndyChoruses.org or get them from Marty Miles, Christy Stossmeister or Michele Turner.

Celebration of Oneness

Multi-Faith Celebration of Oneness

Sun, Nov 9th, 2:00-8:30 PM. St. Luke's United Methodist Church (100 W. 86th St). Come and go as you like and hear performances/presentations from different faiths. The evening will conclude with a buffet followed by Dances of Universal Peace. Contact Jill Moore for more info!

Our Mission and Vision


Newsletter submissions are due Wednesday by 5:00 PM to news@sacredpathuu.org.


Transform Yourself. Transform the World.

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