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Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things This September

September is madness for most families that have young children. If you are a single parent, however, this month can be an absolute blur.

There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get your work done, and the added stress of having to get your children ready to head back to school is hardly manageable.

Most children feel like the summer went by too quickly and they aren't quite ready yet to meet their new teacher. Parents have been waiting for the first day of school for weeks now, having the kids back in an organized and scheduled environment is quite desirable.

Once mid September hits, this is when singles are considering getting back in to the swing of things and making their dating life a priority.

Have you been thinking of meeting someone? When you think about your next partner, what is he or she like? What are your next steps in finding a compatible single?

For more information on Match Me Canada, contact Rebecca Cooper Traynor today!

Huffington Post

The Most Important Thing About Dating as a Single Parent

When it comes to dating as a single parent, there is one single most important thing to consider, above everything else:

Would you allow your potential partner to date your child? Or in other words, is your potential partner good enough for your kids?

Time and time again, I see women and men dating people who don't exactly cut it: The man whose girlfriend treats him like a bank account and handyman; The woman whose boyfriend treats her like a "sidepiece" and inconvenience.

The scenarios are the same for those in LGBT relationships -- situations in which one person is settling for less than what they deserve.

Time and time again, I see divorced parents in relationships that aren't the dream relationship they left their ex's for. I see people settling. I see people dating fill-ins and warm bodies to keep the loneliness at bay.

Click HERE to read more of this Huffington Post article.

Sam Keen
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Anne Yungblut

Q & A with Eva & Dell Designer Anne Yungblut.

Rebecca Cooper Traynor from Match Me sat down with Anne Yungblut to discuss separating at a young age from her husband and how it's been raising her little man Rowan.

Q) What advice can you give someone who goes through a marriage separation in their twenties?

AY) I don't know if I'm qualified to give any advice, in all honesty. I suppose educating yourself about the legal side of separation and divorce is important. There are very helpful government web pages and printed literature that both partners should read. If you feel your path is eventually going to be divorce, there are many divorce lawyers that will give you 30 minutes of their time for free.

Q) When did you start to consider dating someone again?

AY) My son was an infant when my marriage dissolved, so I didn't feel I had time for a new relationship until he was over a year old. I needed that time to grieve for my past relationship too.

Q) What qualities were you now looking for in someone that may have not been as important to you before?

AY) Considering my past relationship started in high school, my priorities have changed considerably! I think the main quality I looked for was whether or not they wanted to have children, and their dedication to their family.

Q) Where did you and your new partner meet?

AY) Online. My friends talked me into setting up a profile. I was hesitant at first (because everyone loves to tell their dating horror stories), but gave it a chance. Sometimes you just never know.

Q) How has your young son taken to him?

AY) They definitely have a father-son type relationship. It's been a really easy transition because they met when my son was still quite young.

Q) What would you say are important qualities for singles mothers to look for in a partner?

AY) Well, that depends on the mother. For me it was his relationship with his family. I spent some time with them before I brought my son into the picture. As a single mom, you have to make your dating decisions on behalf of your child and that's not something I took lightly.

Q) If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?

AY) I probably wouldn't have waited as long as I did to tell my friends and family that my relationship had fallen apart. I'm not sure if it was shame or the fact I didn't want anyone to feel bad for me. Because we had been together for over ten years, we had made some very good friends as a couple and became very close with each other's families. I think I may not have wanted to face the eventual 'break up' with those relationships either.

Q ) Where do you see your life in 5 years?

AY) Currently, I'm training for a new career, so I plan to be pursuing that once my course is over next year, as well as continuing to run my own business. A larger property for the horses would be nice, and perhaps a sibling for my son.

Thanks Anne, for sharing your story!

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