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Do You Love Springtime?

There's no doubt this is a spring season unlike any we've ever experienced or hope to ever experience again with many of us having to practice social distancing while staying isolated at home. I'm thankful for social media to stay in touch with friends and family and with you. I'm also thankful that even with the COVID-19 virus upending our lives, we can still see the beauty of spring in the flowers and the way the world is turning green.

It was sort of strange not going to church to celebrate Easter with my church family. But many church services were available to attend electronically. Worship can happen at home the same as in a church building, because in truth, the people are the church, not the building. We can rejoice because the tomb was empty on Resurrection Morning. "He is not here; for he is risen." Matthew 28:6 (NKJ)

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It was sort of strange not having my kids over for a big Easter gathering. But they are all well and had good days at their houses. Here I am with all but one of my grandkids a few years ago on Easter. Good memories and we can make new memories later in the year. I hope the same for you.


E-Book Deal on The Refuge - $1.99 or less

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If you've ever taken a trip to my fictional Harmony Hill Shaker village or thought you might like too, here's a great chance to visit now. The e-book version of The Refuge, can be grabbed for a limited time for $1.99 or less. You can check out more about the book and find buy links on my website here.


Book News & A Giveaway Chance

An Appalachian Summer

I'm excited about the upcoming release of my new Frontier Nursing Appalachian story. It doesn't release until the end of June but you can pre-order it now. A good place to get books right now is the Baker Book House that has a great discount on most print books including mine. Plus you might help a brick and mortar store stay open after things get back to normal. I can't wait for you to read Piper's story and let me know what you think. You can find out more about the book, plus read an excerpt, and see other buy links here.

books 2019

If the COVID-19 virus is keeping you at home, you may have extra time for various projects you've put off. I'm working hard to finish my book in progress and getting ready for the release of An Appalachian Summer. Perhaps the time at home has given you extra time to read. If so, I want to help you replenish your TBR stack. I will pick five winners to receive an autographed copy of one of my books. To enter, send me an e-mail by answering this newsletter or from my Contact page on my website. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. Winners will be chosen by a random number drawing. Deadline to enter is midnight EST May 1, 2020. Nothing special is required to enter other than the e-mail, but if you'd liked to share ways you've survived these stay at home days or have a story of encouragement, I'd love to read it. Do remember to note if whatever you share is for my eyes only. I enjoy hearing from you all, but also respect your privacy. You can be sure I never share your e-mail addresses.

Parting Shots

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~If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daises. ...Nadine Stair

~Never yet was a springtime when the buds forgot to bloom. ...Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

~In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ...Margaret Atwood

~It’s spring fever...You don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so. ...Mark Twain

~If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles. ...Doug Larson

~For a spring training drill, Yogi instructed his players to “pair off in threes.” ...Yogi Berra quote

~A laugh is a smile that bursts.


Thanks for reading. I hope and pray that we soon defeat this virus and we can once more gather in churches and schools. It will be good to again watch our kids in Little League games and have family reunions, weddings and graduation celebrations. Until then be safe and stay well.

As always, feel free to share my newsletter with any friends you think might enjoy getting my news. But if you would prefer not to be on my mailing list, then it's easy to scroll down and unsubscribe.

Wishing you joy and happy reading.


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