Pupus & Pitches: Summer Edition Join us on Thursday, July 23rd from 5:30PM to 9PM at the ProtoHub for Pupus & Pitches. It's the Summertime Edition.


Pupus & Pitches: Summer Edition

Join us on Thursday, July 23rd from 5:30PM to 9PM at the ProtoHub for Pupus & Pitches. It's the Summertime Edition.

We're excited to turn up the heat and hear three companies pitch their business plans to panel of seasoned investors. Hear feedback and get pitching tips from investors Lisa Kleissner, Richard Lim, and Steve Koskie. Enjoy heavy pupus and network with an awesome group of people.


Presenting Companies

Shifted Energy - Shifted Energy designs and deploys renewable energy storage and interactive demand response solutions for grid operators and renewable energy producers.

Board.Vote - Board.vote provides online voting for non-profit board members, replacing time-consuming meetings and unnecessary travel with a streamlined, secure, and transparent voting process. It enables board members to submit, track, and cast their vote on important proposals from wherever they are, saving time and money.

Mentors Guild - Mentors Guild makes it easy for businesses to tap outside expertise. By consulting relevant professionals, when needed and always within budget, our clients solve problems much faster than their peers.


Meet our Investor Panelists


Lisa Kleissner, KL Felicitas Foundation & Hawaiʻi Investment Ready

A graduate of Kamehameha Schools, Lisa and her husband Charly took their entrepreneurial and hands-on approach into their foundation work. Their experience in Silicon Valley, coupled with their deep desire to help other innovators, led to their interest in global social entrepreneurs and enterprises. In collaboration with others, they have spent the last decade working on providing a variety of support services and tools to help scale impact enterprises and educate and empower impact investors.


Richard Lim, Tradewind Capital Group

Mr. Lim is currently the president of Tradewind Capital Group, part of the Island Holdings group and one of the largest private equity companies in Hawaiʻi. Prior to Tradewind, Mr. Lim served the state of Hawaiʻi as the Director of the Department of Business and Economic Development and Tourism for the State of Hawaiʻi, a position he held from 2010 until 2014. Before joining the state, Mr. Lim had over 30 years of experience in banking, mortgage banking and private equity. He was a co-founder of Sennet Capital, a Hawaiʻi based merchant banking firm that provides assistance to Hawaiʻi companies with respect to mergers and acquisitions, capital sourcing and strategic planning.


Steve Koskie, SPK Ventures

Steve is a serial entrepreneur having founded, grown, and exited several technology companies. His most recent startup was a social networking website that was created by will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas and co-owned by Universal Music Group. Currently Steve advises domestic and international clients, including family funds, on a variety of issues relating to venture capital investing.


Double your startup fun!

We're happy to announce that we're partnering with the Hawaiʻi Venture Capital Association (HVCA) to collaborate on this event.

For a discounted ticket, you get access to two events: the HVCA luncheon to hear the latest from our local accelerators and incubators, and Pupus & Pitches.


Mahalo to our Sponsors

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