When you were little, what did your dream life look like? It's so inspiring to see our friends and team members on the Today Show featured for the gr

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When you were little, what did your dream life look like?

It's so inspiring to see our friends and team members on the Today Show featured for the great work they do to give back and ignite entrepreneurial passion in others! But why should YOU watch this story? Because it perfectly illustrates everything I've been talking about. Check out how women & men all across the US & Canada are empowered to make more than a living with this business…and to leave a legacy for their families.

“Why at home direct sales are skyrocketing & helping moms make money”

Whether you like the idea of filling college or vacation funds, having something of your own while also being a hands-on stay-at-home-mom, or building an exit strategy from a career that no longer fits with your life vision, as the Today Show reporter said, "the possibilities are limitless."

If you've been watching from the sidelines, maybe it's time we talked about whether you should get in the game. Your network is going to hear about Rodan + Fields. Let me help you figure out if you want them to hear about it from you.


Rodan + Fields Dermatologists skincare line launched in high-end department stores in 2002 and quickly became a top seller. In 2003, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. realized Rodan + Fields’ value and bought the brand, which continued to thrive. By all measures, Rodan + Fields exemplified success. So why did this company decide to pull its products from department stores and re-launch the brand as a direct sales company?

The answer is simple. Rodan + Fields founders Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields saw a trend among consumers who were unknowingly doing their own brand of marketing for the company. With that boost, Drs. Rodan and Fields seized the opportunity to reach the public in a more meaningful way. And the people responded, developing an even greater personal connection with the products and the company.

Drs. Rodan and Fields met as dermatology residents at Stanford more than 20 years ago. Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is actually their second business venture together. The two women are the co-creators of Proactiv® Solution, one of the most successful skincare brands in the United States.

When Drs. Rodan and Fields went to pitch Proactiv to companies, executives were impressed. However, as Allan Kurtzman, then President and COO of Neutrogena, explained to them, Proactiv wasn’t going to work on a mass-market shelf. He told them “you can’t put a $40 regimen next to a $6.95 spot treatment and have it sell.” He also told them they needed a way to communicate and connect with their audience, and suggested an infomercial format.

That turned out to be brilliant advice. Through infomercials, the women were able to come into people’s homes and explain the brand, appealing on an intellectual and an emotional level. Proactiv quickly became a top-selling acne treatment that has won numerous awards in the beauty industry by following that marketing strategy.

From House Call to Wakeup Call

Drs. Rodan and Fields began Rodan + Fields Dermatologists because they felt this approach to skincare should be extended beyond acne to treat other common skin conditions. They launched the line in department stores because they believed the products could best be explained to customers one-on-one. Stores were delighted with Rodan + Fields’ numbers. However, the doctors weren’t seeing the kind of adoption they believed the products merited.

“The doctors were finding that the majority of people who were coming in for the product weren’t coming in because of anything the department store did,” explains Rodan + Fields President and General Manager Lori Bush. “It was word-of-mouth that was sending people in for the products. The doctors began to believe that there was much more potential if they could break out from behind the glass counter.”

In 2006, a PR initiative demonstrated that direct sales could be the perfect vehicle for the company. So Rodan + Fields held a “House Call” event in a Southern California home. Attendees were thrilled to have a better understanding of the products. They liked the brand’s message so much that many wanted to become more personally involved.

Then a local television affiliate ran a piece on the House Call. “The phones lit up at the station,” says Bush. “But callers weren’t merely interested in where they could buy the products. They wanted to know how they could hold one of these events. They were asking, ‘How can I get involved?’ ”

Dr. Rodan acknowledges that the company was reaching out to attendees in a way that crossed the usual seller-buyer boundaries. “People loved the product and philosophy so much that they wanted to be part of the team,” she says. “Because of this passion and enthusiasm, our customers literally pulled us out of department stores and into the direct selling business.”

The doctors approached Estee Lauder about transforming Rodan + Fields into a direct marketing company. Estee Lauder was interested in the idea, but ultimately determined that they didn’t have the infrastructure to allow the brand to realize its fullest potential. So Estee Lauder sold ownership rights back to Drs. Rodan and Fields while retaining a vested interest in the brand.

In 2008, Rodan + Fields became the first prestigious skincare brand to exit retail and enter the direct sales market.


Philosophy and Products

So what is it about Rodan + Fields that created a desire in its customers to partner with the company?

The company’s philosophy—that great skin can make a real difference in people’s lives—resonates with its users. “Our best advertisements are our consultants because the beautiful results are literally written all over their faces,” says Dr. Rodan. “I’ve yet to meet a person who didn’t have some issue with her skin at one point or another, especially with age. With less than one dermatologist per 30,000 people in the population, successful self-treatment can be difficult to achieve.”

The company’s level of credibility also turns users into consultants. Drs. Rodan and Fields are highly respected dermatologists in the beauty industry and in the field of dermatology. “As practicing dermatologists we have hands-on knowledge of the needs of our patients and formulations required to impact skin. We fill those needs by offering products that combine medicines with elegant skincare to both heal and prevent future skin issues,” says Dr. Fields.
Mimi Field, who handles the company’s PR, agrees. “It’s great that I’m not just talking about the products to editors. I also have these wonderful resources in the doctors,” she says. “They’re called upon because of their authority as dermatologists. So that is helpful to the consultants in establishing the products’ credibility.”

Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are two of the most quoted skincare experts in the industry.

Furthermore, Rodan + Fields maintains a relationship with beauty magazines, which is unusual for a direct sales company. But because of their exposure with Proactiv and their establishment as well-known experts in the field of dermatology, the doctors were able to develop that connection. “We’re in contact with the beauty press all the time,” Field says. “We meet with them several times a year to showcase new products.”

Like many high-end department store lines, Field estimates that Rodan + Fields is featured at least once a month in magazines—in effect receiving free advertising and increasing the brand’s visibility.

But even more than the brand’s credibility, Rodan + Fields’ effectiveness has made consultants out of its users.


With a year-over-year growth rate of 250 percent and a consultant base that has grown to more than 12,000, Rodan + Fields is certainly deserving of another honor the DSA bestowed upon them: the Rising Star Award. “We’ve won all kinds of awards in the beauty community, but to be recognized by the DSA was real validation that we’re on the right track,” Bush says.

Rodan + Fields garners more press coverage in the U.S. than any other direct selling company.
Checkout all of our Awards and Press Releases here

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Brittany Thacker
Level ll Executive Consultant Rodan + Fields
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