Happy New Year- Hoping all is well out there & hoping to see you all soon. I just returned from teaching in the West Virginia Wesleyan low-residency

new photo 2014

Happy New Year-

Hoping all is well out there & hoping to see you all soon. I just returned from teaching in the West Virginia Wesleyan low-residency MFA program & so loved the time in Wild West Virginia. We workshopped poems, held seminars & readings & spent time in all that beautiful space. It made me so excited for things to come this year.

I am writing to let you know that Hemisphere, Northwestern University Press, 2015 is available for pre-order on Northwestern University Press & Amazon

& please Save the Date for our Kentucky book party at Willett Distillery on May 16th, 2015 - more details to follow!

Please reach out to me at Ellen Hagan if you are interested in booking an event, reading or workshop. We will be in Minneapolis, Chicago, Louisville & Lexington in the months to come & I look forward to adding more cities, schools, universities, bookstores & bars to this list.

Sending love & energy your way in 2015!

