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News & Quick-bits - 3 August 2023


Know Your Remedy: Mag Phos

Mag-phos is useful for certain types of nerve pain, cramps, irritability, colic, painful periods, symptoms worsened by cold air, and more.
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Q: What do Numbers and Letters After Remedy Names Mean?

The active ingredients of remedies can't be measured by weight, volume or amount so homeopathy turns to ancient Rome for a little help. Read more & Comment


Homeopathy, Labour, & Delivery

Homeopathy is easily incorporated into a birth plan. Useful remedies help fast-paced contractions, fear, pain, exhaustion, backache, slow dilation, and more.
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Remedies and Tears

How are they related? Well, the type of tears you produce point to the remedy you may need. For example, hot tears point to Arnica and oily tears to Sulphur. Fascinating! Read more | Comment


One Week - Three Offers!

Offer 1: $5.00 Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy and simple how-to-use info. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off 14 Different Childhood Complexes Blends of frequently used remedies for bed-wetting, teeth grinding, tonsillitis, worms, and more.
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Offer 3: Save $4.50 On Organic Superfine Zeolite Powder Zeolite powder is used worldwide as a safe detoxifying mineral for a wide range of heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and toxins. More info | Buy now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 7th August, 2023 (UTC/GMT -8 hours) Read More


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Studies: Homeopathy & Malaria

Good news: if affected countries want to control their malaria problem it may be no more difficult than looking at those already doing it with homeopathy.
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From the Hippy to Homeopath

Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj was one of the leading voices in the use of homeopathy for plants and soil. Here's the story of his early days and progression into agrohomeopathy. Read more & Comment


Anxiety: Homeopathy or Drugs?

Panic, palpitations, and nervous diarrhoea don't have to rule your life. Here's a comparison with related research between the homeopathic and conventional approach to anxiety. Read more | Comment


Eczema from Birth

“I’m doing better. Pretty much immediately I noticed that I went ten days without using any cortisone cream… There’s been no horrible flareup. I’ve had an easier time going to sleep.” Read more | Comment


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