Welcome Welcome to "The Instructor" ! This April issue of "The Instructor" Highlights NESCO's two newest publications;features "Teaching Today: Becom



Welcome to "The Instructor" ! This April issue of "The Instructor" Highlights NESCO's two newest publications;features "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" and "Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers." We are also highlighting our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages; all available at #nescoed.com. So join us on your favorite social media site!
Meet and connect with other educators through "EdXchange", the new NESCO education blog.
Enter the conversation, share your ideas.
Join us at a NESCO"Education Employment Forum" in-service workshop.This series designed to provide professional development opportunities for educators and the best job seeking tactics and skills necessary to secure a teaching position.

In This Issue of "The Instructor"

Point of View
"Music Education in Crisis"

New to NESCO
Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice

Education Employment Forum and Professional Development Program

Featured publication
"Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers."

On-Site Professional Development Program

NESCO Products and Services

Resources and Reviews


Point of View

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Music Ed in Crisis

These are trying times for music educators across the nation. The nation is in the grip of a severe recession. Our state and local governments are suffering from severe financial shortfalls which have resulted in severe budget cuts. The brunt of these budget cuts are falling on public service institutions particularly our public schools. In some cases funding cuts are endangering the very existence of music education programs in our schools.
The unfortunate reality is this; with the economy in recession, job losses mounting and severe government budgetary cuts, state and federal money to schools continues to decrease. Yet the cost of operating schools continues to rise. The cost of oil alone to heat a school has already risen 20% and is predicted to continue to increase. Meanwhile,the state and the federal government continue to increase educational mandates that are unfunded. These unfunded mandates add greater cost to school budgets.
Throughout the history of education in the United States, the arts have always been vulnerable to cut backs in funding. In the current state of economic recession, public schools are loosing a significant portion of their funding. This forces school districts to make serious choices about program funding. A loss in funding too often translates into less money to support elective courses in music and art for all students. A significant decrease in fiscal resources can also trigger increased class size and decreased exposure to new technology. Program cuts are usually accompanied by lay-offs and job cuts.
Its' sad but true that students attending wealthier school districts have a greater opportunity for a well rounded balanced education. Schools struggling with academic achievement and poor performance on standardized tests are forced to allocate more and more of their limited resources on core academic subjects. This leaves less and less funding to support encore subjects such as music and art.
Recent legislation such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" with it's obsessive focus on testing in reading and math has also disqualified some students from participation in elective programs and has left little time in an already overcrowded school day for music and art.
If a school does not recognize the value of music education, the risk of music suffering serious budget cuts is heightened. Too often school leaders and parents lack a true understanding of the importance of music education in a child’s development.

New to NESCO

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Today a successful career in education requires new and special skills, knowledge and experience.Teacher candidates have to be better prepared than ever before. They must possess very specific attributes and be competent and comfortable conveying these qualities. The National Education Service Company's newest publication "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" .examines the factors that have changed the face of education and the skills and knowledge teacher candidates must possess to secure and succeed as teachers

NESCO's new Education Employment Forums are designed to assist teacher candidates seeking new positions by providing participants with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to truly become the Candidate of Choice.
Seeking a new teaching position can be overwhelming and interviewing can be nerve raking. NESCO's Education Employment Forums will show you how to properly present yourself in a manner that will open doors and attract school district supervisors seeking qualified candidates.

Basic Elements Vocal

"Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers" contains great song based on solid vocal pedagogy to develop advanced singing techniques. Filled with sound advise, "Basic Elements of Vocal Artistry for Young Singers" will help music teachers be successful teaching upper elementary and middle school singers.

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Basic Elements Vocal

Want Professional Development ON-Site in your School District for little to no cost? N.E.S.C.O.announces a new approach to professional development. Now department leaders can provide their faculty with convenient on-site staff development in a needed instructional area. Staff development workshops and courses can be paid through BOCES Arts or course participants can purchase in-service credit at incredible discounted rates.

Let N.E.S.C.O.’s On-Site Professional Development Program provide your staff with on-site workshops or in-service courses that improve teacher-student the learning process. See N.E.S.C.O.’s website @ www.nescoed.com for a partial listing of N.E.S.C.O.professional development topics and in-service course fees.

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“Teacher Man: A Memiore” by Frank McCourt
$21.70 Softcover
Teacher Man is an exhiairating adventure story of Frank McCourt's 30 years as a teacher. He records the trials,triumphs and surprises of teaching public school

"Listen and Learn: The Key to Effective Secondary General Music Instruction"
by George Ober


LitPick.com is an excellent resource that allows students to review and share thoughts about 1000's of books/ Student register with an adult and recieve free books from the LitPick library.

CORE 4+ Stars /

CORE from MateryNet.com allows teachers an easy effective way to access CORE Standards, monitor student performance and report student mastery.

A Recipe for Great Teaching
Great succinct breakdown of the most important elements of teaching.

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