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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sunday's Service - March 27, 2022

The Passion of Christ Part 3

The featured Scripture is: Luke 22:7-13
for Mike's message: The Preparation of the Final Passover.

Join us Sunday ~ In-Person & Online
Worship at 11am


Livestream available at: CGCC Facebook Page ~ CLC Facebook Page ~ CLC Website

Come Grow With Us!

Scenes From Last Sunday



Worshiping Together

Spend Sunday morning with us ~ in-person or online at 11:00am.
Let's grow together through Worship, Praise, and Prayer, in the Sanctuary and online.
You can also check out the Media Library on the CLC website to watch recent sermons.

Please send your prayer requests in for our Joys & Concerns email that goes out on
Monday morning! The CGCC website has a Contact/Prayer Request page, you can
email Jen Lynch directly, or use


Bible Studies & Ministries

Sunday Morning Bible Study ~ 9:30am
Last week we began a study of the Book 1st John.
Class will not meet this Sunday.

Ladies Morning Bible Study ~ Friday, 9am
Reading Laura Dingman's book This I Know: Trusting Your Unknown Future to a Known God, meeting upstairs in the Activity Room. We will be reviewing the questions from Chapter 1 that you worked on this week and watching the video for Chapter 2.

We'd love to have you join us!



Wednesday Morning Prayer Group
At the Jackson's & on Zoom
Zoom Personal Meeting ID: 6936117456
Password: prayer

Designed to help adults grow as Christ followers.
Young LifeGroup: Sunday, 6pm
Weimer LifeGroup: Tuesdays, 10am
Hileman LifeGroup: Wednesdays, 6:30pm
Bartholomew LifeGroup: Fridays, 6:30pm

CGCC/CLC Children's Ministry


Collide Sunday ~ During Worship at 11am
* Nursery Care (Newborn-3 in Nursery)
* Collide Kids Jr. (Ages 3-6 in Sprouts Room)
* Collide Kids Church (Grades 1-4 in Activity Room)


Collide Middle School Lock-In

Students in 5th-8th Grade are invited to spend the night at church! We'll gather Friday, at 7pm and head home on Saturday, at 8am. Participants need to bring their pillow and a sleeping bag or blanket along with whatever else they need for an overnight stay.

Collide Family Event Next Wednesday

March 30, 6:30-8pm
All ages invited for fun! Kids, middle schoolers, high schoolers, and adults - get ready for a special combined Wednesday evening, celebrating time together. Bring a side dish or dessert to share and we will provide the pizza and games!

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1

Collide Kids Jr. ~ Collide Kids ~ Collide Middle School

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm - (Special time next week!)
Kids from age 3 through grade 8 are invited to participate: Collide Kids Jr. (Ages 3-Kindergarten), Collide Kids (Grades 1-4), and Collide Middle School (Grades 5-8). Invite a friend!

High School LifeGroup

Next Regular Meeting ~ Wednesday, April 13, 5:30-6:30pm
Students in 9th-12th Grade, join us as we continue our study through the Book of James. We meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. Feel free to bring a friend to join in!

* Collide Wednesday, Hileman LifeGroup, and Senior High LifeGroup run February through April.

VBS Volunteers Needed

Join us for a Monumental time Celebrating God's Greatness during VBS Week, July 18-22!!! Please prayerfully consider jumping in and helping to make those evenings amazing by being a VBS volunteer! There are many opportunities to serve. Fill out a volunteer form this Sunday! Forms will be available all month.


For whom are you praying today?
How can we pray for you?

We are here to pray with and for you, anytime! Prayer needs sent by early Monday morning will be included in the weekly Joys & Concerns email. We are also glad to send out prayer requests and praise reports anytime throughout the week!


Thank you to Marcia Kreps for sharing and Darla Smith for writing these weekly bits of encouragement.

"I pray your week has been wonderful. I am thankful for every day that I get the opportunity to share with you what God has put on my heart for the week. Usually, I get confirmation after I send out the email, but this week God confirmed my word before I even typed it out. I must admit that was awesome. He loves us so much. If we could only realize just how much He cares about our everyday happenings. WOW!"

"My Word for this week is “WANT.” Now before you get too excited, the picture I got in my head when the Word came to me was a toddler throwing a temper tantrum crying out “I “want” this, or I “want” that. Get the picture? Is that what God sees when he sees us? Wow! The Holy Spirit checked my heart on this one. Are we only saying to God during the day – I “want,” give me this, take care of me. Me, me, me……. Holy Spirit, show us what God “wants” from us. Open our hearts to know Him more. We need more relationship time not asking for anything but giving praise and glory and honor due Him. It is His desire to give us all good things, but what good things are we giving to Him? Teach us Holy Spirit, flow through us so that there will be no more room for me, me, me. Let’s make more time for Him alone. He loves spending time with us. Be blessed this week and no more temper tantrums from any of us (wink, wink).

“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
~ Matthew 6:30-33 (MSG)

Easter Reflections

Our Daily Bread's Easter Reflections devotional is now available. Pick up your copy this Sunday and take time to read these ten writings for the Easter season.



March Worship ~ Online & In-Person

Pastor Mike Hileman ~ Sundays at 11:00am.
We're excited to welcome you to Worship, in church and online!

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service

Thursday, April 14, 7pm
The Service of Tenebrae: Tenebrae is the Latin term for "shadows" and is a Holy Week tradition dating far back into the history of the Christian Church. It is characterized by the twelve disciples
at the Last Supper, each one reading a brief passage by candlelight. The gradual loss of light is symbolic of the flight of the disciples. The moment of total darkness recalls the days Jesus spent
in the tomb. This moving tradition prepares us to break out on Easter morn with great joy.

Easter Sunrise Breakfast

April 17, 9:30am
Volunteers are needed to help cook, set up, and clean up.
We are asking the volunteers to arrive at 8am to begin preparations for this special
fellowship meal. Can you help? If you have any questions, talk to James Crawford.
Please sign up on the volunteer sign up sheet, located on the counter at the front desk.


Vacation Bible School 2022

Group's Monumental VBS ~ Celebrating God's Greatness
6:30-8pm, July 18-22

Online VBS registration is now open!
Register your children today. Invite your friends & family
to join in this adventure! REGISTER today!

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.



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News of the Week

Our bridge is now set up in the woods, making walking on the wet path easier. We finished anchoring it on Monday, took a walk, and worked on more trash clean up. We also celebrated Keegan's 30th birthday with a delicious Mexican feast. We love celebrating our clients!

On Tuesday, Fred Carrier headed into the woods with us on a mission to begin identifying and marking our trees. Thanks, Fred, for all your help!! We hope to set up a mushroom growing project here, which requires certain trees. Fred's help on Tuesday and the coming trips into the woods he plans on doing will be instrumental in this exciting endeavor.

Tuesday also took us to Columbiana to do some volunteer work in our new friend Patty's yard. Before the pandemic began, our crew volunteered every other week at Whispering Pines. We all miss the opportunity to help out in the community. So, going to Patty's to rake and bag her leaves for her was a very welcome task. Those leaves will even go on to do good, as we will mulch them and use them here on the property. Thanks, Patty! Thanks also go to Dustin's Aunt Bonnie, who told us about this need!

Wednesday was chilly and rainy...perfect for staying in and making jam. We also "planted" this year's mushroom project for the CSA program. We may not be ready to start inoculating logs with mushroom spawn yet, but that doesn't mean we can't grow mushrooms! We are experimenting with an oyster mushroom kit that lets you grow them inside on sterilized bathroom tissue! Our crew had lots of fun starting this project!

Today we have been covering raised beds and will be building new wheelbarrows. We also plan to label our fresh jars of jam and find other inside chores to do. It's a lot chillier out there than we thought it was supposed to be so we want to stay in the building!

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Into the Woods With Fred!

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No More Leaves!

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Thanks, Patty!

Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam

Jungle Jam and Juicy Jam are available in several flavors at Reach for the STARS in Salem and in Columbiana at the Chamber of Commerce office. We are also glad to arrange a pick up at GG.

Jungle Jam: Blueberry Jalapeno, Cranberry Jalapeno, Hot,
Cherry Habanero, Pineapple Habanero, Dragon
Juicy Jam: Cranberry Orange

We also have:
* Organic Catnip Toys ~ handmade here, with our catnip, cost - $4
* Dried Herbs ~ grown here this summer, dried by our crew, cost - $1
Sage and Thyme

News From Our Friends at the Mahoning County Extension Office

Free Email Wellness Challenge with tips to help you optimize your health and well-being!
Adults can register to recieve 2 emails/week. Deadline to sign-up: March 28
Challenge starts: April 4 - Register at: .

Follow the OSU Extension Office on their website, on their blog, and on Facebook.
They are a great resource for gardening advice, local activities, healthy ideas, and more!




Goodness Grows

The non-profit ministry of CGCC, Goodness Grows
is always busy on our property. GG works with students
and adults with disabilities, providing vocational habilitation
training in a fun, hands-on way. The GG crew maintains
the grounds and cleans the building.

If you would like to donate to our program, monetary donations as well as donations of
regular mouth 8oz. canning jars, lids, and rings are always needed.

Volunteers welcome! Help us weed. Join us for a walk. Share a skill or hobby. We love volunteers!


Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.

To Advocate, Advise, Advance the ministries
of Divine Soccer in Masaka, Uganda for the benefit
of the children of the community

Sponsorships and donations can be made to:
Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.
1814 E. 3rd St., Salem, OH 44460
or via Pay Pal at

Learn more at: Rock Kidz Uganda and on:

Visit the Rock Kidz table in the Great Room!
Check out the info about the upcoming Mission Trip scheduled for July 10-23. (Talk to Marilee and David to learn more!) Sponsors needed for eighteen (18!) new students in Masaka!

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Coat & Clothing (& More!) Giveaway 2022

We accept clean, useable donations that could help others. Donate all year, 8:30am-2:30pm
during the week or on Sunday mornings. Items can be left under the overhang at the back
of the warehouse or popped into the barrel in the Great Room. Tell your friends & family!

Rubbermaid type bins to sort clothing into are needed,
if you have any to donate.

Spring Cleaning????
It's that time of year again! Any items you spring clean out of your closets, drawers, cupboards, garage, etc., we are very glad to
hold here for our October Giveaway.


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!


Naturalist Series: Beautiful & Bouncing Back: The Return of the Bald Eagle, Free Virtual Class

TODAY, March 24, 6:30pm
Online via Zoom
Event by Mahoning County Extension
Our national symbol displays many outstanding characteristics - exceptional vision, a striking appearance, and a commanding presence. Sadly, by the latter half of the 20th century, the bald eagle was classified as an endangered species. Through the diligent efforts of wildlife biologists and a concerned public, the bald eagle population is recovering at an astonishing rate. Join Jamey Emmert, Wildlife Communications Specialist from the Ohio Division of Wildlife, to learn more about the rise, the fall, and return of the bald eagle. To register visit: OSU Bald Eagles. Free.

Warren M. Young Lecture Series

Friday, 8-9pm
The Ward Beecher Planetarium
100 Lincoln Ave, Youngstown
The Virgo Cluster is the nearest galaxy cluster to us. Within such dense galactic environments, galaxies interact frequently and the debris from these events allows us to trace the history of galaxy clusters.
Dr. Patrick Durrell will give us a tour of the Virgo Cluster, share the latest studies of the cluster, the search for new stars, globular clusters and dwarf galaxies within the cluster. Free.

March Open Storytelling

Saturday, 4-6pm
Columbiana Library
Join THE HUB and Spoken Threads for our March open storytelling event. Theme: Growth. Present your own story on the topic of growth. Listen to the stories of others. Live music by The Conkle Brothers. All ages welcome. Free.

Learning With the Salem Public Library

"The Ice Age in Ohio" A Go Wild in the Park Presentation
Monday, March 28, 6:30-7:30 pm
Online via Zoom
Take a cool trip back to the time when northern Ohio was a giant mass of ice. Explore how the glacier formed our landforms and streams and influenced where plants and animals live today. Geologist Cheryl Mattevi will introduce you to some ice age critters from Columbiana County and see how they were excavated. You may spot a mastodon from your own backyard!

Salem Public Library and Salem Parks and Recreation will host the talk, "The Ice Age in Ohio", on Monday, March 28, 2022, from 6:30-7:30 pm. The program, will be provided virtually via Zoom. Open to the public and free of cost to attend, this program is suitable for older children and adult audiences. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and an email address must be provided in order to connect to the Zoom link. Register HERE or call the library at 330-332-0042.

"Go Wild in the Park" programming is provided through the partnership of Salem Parks and Recreation and Salem Public Library in order to bring educational and entertaining programming to the public.


The Spotted Lanternfly: A Threat to Local Agriculture?
Wednesday, March 30, 6:30-7:30pm
At the library and online via Zoom
The Spotted Lanternfly, (Lycorma delicatula), is an insect native to China. First detected in Pennsylvania in September of 2014, the destructive insect feeds on many types of fruit, and woody and ornamental trees. The insect poses a critically serious threat to the grape, orchard, and logging industries.

Bryan Weyant, of Columbiana Soil and Water District, will discuss characteristics of the insect, the extent of invasion in our local area, and ways to deal with the intruder while protecting vegetation. The program will be available in the library’s Reading Room and on Zoom for those who want to participate virtually. The library is located at 821 E. State St., Salem, OH 44460. Attendance for this program is open to the public and free of cost. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and may be done by filling out the form HERE or by calling 330-332-0042 for registration assistance.


"Creating a Pollinator Habitat in Ohio" A Go Wild in the Park Program
Wednesday, April 6, 6:30-7:30pm
At Waterworth Park in Salem at the Pollinator Garden
Learn how to create a pollinator habitat at Waterworth Park’s Pollinator Garden. The garden is located near the refreshment stand and duck pond. The program, to be presented by wildlife biologist Abby-Gayle Prieur of the conservation group Pheasants Forever, Inc, will highlight the value to insects, wildlife and the environment this type of habitat provides.

The program is provided through the partnership of Salem Parks and Recreation and Salem Public Library. This partnership provides educational and entertaining programs for people of all ages at no cost to attend. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED HERE and space is limited.



TODAY! - Betty Lewis
March 25 - Sarah Bendersmith
March 26 - Epilepsy Awareness Day/Purple Day
March 26, 8:30-9:30pm - Earth Hour
March 28 - Tim & Barb Doran
March 30 - Doctors’ Day
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

*If we don't have your special days, please let us know!!!*
Email the secretary at


March 24-30, 2022 . . .
Today, 6:30pm - Praise Team
Friday, 9am - Ladies Bible Study
Friday, 6:30pm - Bartholomew LifeGroup
Friday-Saturday - Middle School Lock-In
Sunday, 11am - In-Person & Online Worship & Collide Sunday Ministries
Sunday, 6pm - Young LifeGroup
Weekdays, 8:30am-2:30pm - GG at Work
Tuesday, 10am - Weimer LifeGroup
Wednesday, 10am - Morning Prayer Group
Wednesday, 6:30-8pm - Collide Family Pizza & Game Night

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Common Ground Church Community
Connecting Life Church
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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