Please Welcome Your 2022 HBL Board!
Guiding your Hawaii Bicycling League towards its mission, and providing leadership to the organization, is your HBL Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of 15 members who serve on a voluntary basis and devote hours representing you and broadening our influence and perspective.
In November, we emailed a ballot to all members to elect the 2022 HBL Board. When votes were tallied, all nominees received at least 90% support.
Therefore, we are thrilled to welcome two new members to the HBL Board: Ina Chang and Pili Valderrama. And we’re very pleased to welcome back thirteen continuing Board members.
Announcing the 2022 Hawaii Bicycling League Executive Committee of the Board:
President: Bob Bengtson
Vice President: Patricia Johnson
Treasurer: Norb Buelsing
Secretary: Pattie Dunn
Immediate Past President: Josh Powell
And your 2022 Board Members:
Ina Chang
Gary Gill
Geoffrey Hamilton
Brian Moriki
Mel Nakahata
John O’Keefe
Kyle Paredes
John Rogers
Frank Smith
Pili Valderrama
Please thank them for their service!