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My Round Mirror Home Tour!

I'm a total sucker for a good round mirror and have way more in my home than is probably normal :) . They're just so good for kicking a room up a notch by softening a space, filling awkward ones, and more. Over on the blog today I'm taking you on a round mirror home tour, sharing all of the ways I use them in our home:



and sharing sources for some of my current favorites including these beauties:




I have a set of round woven chargers that I use constantly in my dining room - these are super similar and a great price.



The acrylic coffee table in our family room is one of my favorite furniture pieces and right now it's about 40% off which is the cheapest price I've ever seen for it!

acrylic coffee table


These watercolor black and white check desk accessories are the cutest and on sale with free shipping.

desk accessories


We've had so much rain lately that I've been constantly grabbing an umbrella on the way out the door. I decided it was time to diss my ugly old umbrella so I just ordered this super cute one that's 40% off this weekend.



Have a great weekend everyone!


Kris in 500
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