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Dear Friend,

At JGU, we have been talking about our upcoming New songbook. We created a draft of the songbook for the Winter Retreat to sing with our campers. In the meantime, I have realized it has become my own greatest resource as a teacher and mother.

How is the songbook a great resource, and how can it be used?
I discussed this question with Susan, JGU Global Advisor and Tzipporah Prottas, JGU Blogger and Editor.

Can You Picture…

A noisy family car trip, transformed into harmonious bliss as many enthusiastic individuals, who couldn't distance themselves far enough away from each other just moments before, press in closer, as they lift up their voices with a beloved song.

Can You Imagine…

An educator or youth group leader, puzzling over the perfect icebreaker for their young charges. They look to their bookshelf, or into their pocketbook or briefcase, and draw forth the songbook as their solution; for few things other than song possess such a spirit and magic that dissolves barriers, warms hearts, and breeds harmony.

Can You Visualize…

A frazzled parent after a long day of hard work; the layers of stress melt away as they enter the room of their child anticipating his or her “tuck-in,” and settle down together to sing and tell a story behind a song for a little while, sustaining their heartfelt longing to reconnect at the end of each day, and through a beautiful, peaceful tradition.

Can You Envision…

Your Shabbos table, graced with an unparalleled soulfulness, as a very special book is passed around. Everyone has their moment to shine, to impart their voice of inspiration through a song precious to them, and you all sing your way to weekly Geulah (Redemption). Your table is a sacred space, and a paradisiacal island of holiness and spirit is created, a true taste of the World to Come.

These are but a few of the infinite array of instances in which the Voices in Harmony songbook will serve us. It is a multifaceted tool - a ladder to reach new levels of joy and unity; a key to unlock your real soul-expression; a valuable resource for all Jewish parents, educators and leaders - anyone searching for a meaningful and innovative way to impart vital messages that will not be forgotten.

We look forward to escaping the cold and warming our hearts and souls with the gift of song this Shabbos! Wishing you a beautiful, peaceful and uplifting Shabbos!

Nechama Laber, JGU Global Director
Susan Axelrod, JGU Global Advisor
Tzipporah Protass, JGU Blogger [Thank you for helping to write this up!]

P.S. Here is your opportunity to create your tribute in our songbook due by Jan. 31. CLICK HERE.

Your gift will help us to continue to give the gift of song and the joy of Judaism to our Jewish daughters around the world! CLICK HERE.


Don't Miss this Parshah Post by
Tzipporah Prottas on the deeper reason that Yocheved and Miriam were rewarded by Hashem!



A Song composed by Chaya Mushka Kievman from Australia to the tune of V'hee Sheomda.


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