Hello, Friends, Yes, April is National Poetry Month, and we have some fun, poetry-themed writing prompts for your students this week. Do you have a


Hello, Friends,

Yes, April is National Poetry Month, and we have some fun, poetry-themed writing prompts for your students this week.

Do you have a story writer in your house? Be sure to check out the fun, practical fiction-writing workbook designed for 3rd-8th graders I just read--and LOVE!

And don't forget to use the special Coupon Code for some of our courses. It expires at midnight on Monday the 20th!

National Poetry Month image

Diamante: the Diamond-Shaped Poem

Poetry can be hard for some students. They don't get the rhythms. They can't think of a rhyming word.

Let's give them something fun to write, something based on a diamond shape and opposites.

Click here to take advantage of this week's fun writing prompt.

National Poetry Month haiku image

Haiku: An Old, Elegant Poem Form

Haiku is one of the most succinct and beautiful forms of poetry, one that encapsulates a thought or one snapshot image of nature.

Click here to engage your students in this elegant art form, complete with ancient and modern examples.

Reach for the Stars front cover

I Love This Workbook for Young Fiction Writers!

Do you have story writers at home? Are they always hiding out in their bedrooms creating little masterpieces that they read to you later?

How much more engaging would their stories be if they learned the basics of story writing from a workbook penned by a real fiction author?

Enter Reach for the Stars by Susan K. Marlow, author of the Circle C Adventures series for young and middle school readers!

This fun workbook is not busy work. Your young writers will learn real skills like how to develop a character, put him or her into trouble, avoid using "dead" words, "Show, Don't Tell," use point of view consistently, hook readers, and much, much more--all in a well-illustrated, 144-page workbook.

My favorite part of Reach for the Stars is where students choose a piece of paper with an emotion printed on it and then act out the emotion: sad, angry, happy, shocked, and so on. This teaches them not to write "He was shocked," but to write what the character did when he was shocked. This is "Show, Don't Tell" at its best.

Click here to save $3.95 off the list price!

Click here to check out Susan Marlow's FREE downloads, some of which are in Reach for the Stars!

Susan K. Marlow and Sharon Watson 2015

Susan K. Marlow and Sharon Watson (that would be me) in the booth at the Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati

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Daily Writing Prompts

Would you like more writing prompts that are aimed at getting your tweens and teens writing?

I write the daily writing prompts for Schoolhouse Teachers, where your students will write stories, poems, opinions, descriptions, and much more. Plus, they'll be learning about writing along the way.

For a low monthly price, you can download hundreds of inspiring lessons for your whole family.

Click here to view the lessons I've written for members.

Check them out today!

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FREEBIES and a Coupon Code for $10 OFF!


Have you downloaded your FREE writing lessons available at Writing with Sharon Watson? You are welcome to download the three writing lessons here.

Coupon Code Ends Monday Night!

Here's Tami R. to tell you about her son's experiences with The Power In Your Hands: Writing Nonfiction in High School:

I assured him I’d find the least painful way possible and it seems I did!
We're working together and are both cracking up at your silly comments as they are exactly things I'd say. We are both appreciating the step-by-step approach. It's helped him drop his "I hate writing" attitude and just simplified the whole essay process.

Thank you, Tami! I've heard so many wonderful success stories from moms who have used Jump In and The Power in Your Hands! Thank you, ladies, for sharing your stories with me!

Take advantage of my special convention prices by using this Coupon Code for $10 OFF two of our popular high school textbooks: HM3US4QH .

But hurry! This Coupon Code expires Monday, April 20, 2015, at midnight!

The Power in Your Hand: Writing Nonfiction in High School
[Writing Fiction in High School]

The Power in Your Hands equips your teens for high school, college, and professional writing, with a little humor thrown in!

Writing Fiction [in High School] teaches your storywriters the secrets of fiction writing and uses hundreds of published examples of effective writing. Equip your writers so they can be published someday and influence their world for Christ in organic, non-preachy ways.

To use the Coupon Code HM3US4QH and save $10 on The Power in Your Hands, click here. When you click the Buy Now button, you will be taken to my eStore to use the code.

To use the Coupon Code HM3US4QH and save $10 on Writing Fiction [in High School] , click here. When you click the Buy Now button, you will be taken to my eStore to use the code.

Be sure to grab the Coupon Code before Monday, April 20, 2015, at midnight!


Yours for a more vibrant writing class,

Sharon Watson Signature
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