Registration to our Summer programs now OPEN! Our Summer Reel Camps for Girls are one-week long filmmaking workshops for girls. Girls need to be inv

Registration to our Summer programs now OPEN!

Our Summer Reel Camps for Girls are one-week long filmmaking workshops for girls. Girls need to be involved in the creative filmmaking and media production processes and learn the skills to interpret and challenge the limiting gendered images they face daily.

We offer two types of camps: one on animation and one on basic reel. During the Basic Reel, the girls learn storytelling, storyboarding, scriptwriting, use of professional camera, lighting, audio, and editing. Working in small production teams with a mentor, they produce a short video, and so learn the skills to create their own media. During the camp on Animation, the girls learn the principles and techniques of animation using industry-standard camera, editing software, and more.

For more information and register, please visit our website

2015 Summer MMTM Poster WEB-QR

Making Media That Matters is a (6) week-long filmmaking program for girls. Participants develop media literacy, film and critical-thinking skills by examining issues in their communities. Making Media that Matters provides a platform for girls to tell their stories and be agents of social change through film. Their stories will create a critical gender media conducive to reframing the way adults and allies think about young women and the risks they face. Together we will build a stronger society grounded in their realities.

For more information and register, please visit our website

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