Innovation in the Face of Adversity Dear Friends , These are extraordinary times. With the recent passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, we can no longer r

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Innovation in the Face of Adversity

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From John Lewis' message on the day of his funeral published in The New York Times

Dear Friends ,

These are extraordinary times. With the recent passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, we can no longer remain passive. We can no longer be complacent. We must do something. We must re-imagine a New World.

So I keep wondering: What can I do? How can I be useful?

The answer that comes up for me is H O U S I N G... It's an issue I care deeply about.

Quietly for years I've been working on a solution to address the housing crisis.

For more than two decades in this profession, I've worked with clients and homeowners who struggle with the cost of building or remodeling their home. I've experienced the bureaucracy of permit processing and inefficiencies of construction.

All the while, our environment is adversely affected with depleting natural resources, ever-increasing energy use and subject to natural disasters like the raging fires across the west coast.

In my heart, I believe one way forward is to build smaller, to design with better efficiency and flexibility, while being mindful of environmental consequences.

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Sneak peek with the light filled interior of pre-fab modular prototype

I'm excited to come up with a pre-fab modular prototype that will address issues of affordability and sustainability. I hope you will stay tuned for details to come...

Cheers to innovation in the face of great adversity!

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Vina Lustado, Owner, SOL HAUS DESIGN

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New Book Feature: "In Her Purpose"

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"In Her Purpose" is a compilation of stories from 40 amazing women.

In Her Purpose: 40 Principles of Asian Women Redefining Success on their Own Terms . A compilation of real, powerful stories of inspiring women. The creators, Rose Buado and Jennifer Redondo-Marquez, hope that these stories give you hope, courage, and drive to discover your purpose and live out your true passions.

The women featured in this book are amazing and I'm proud to be in their company. It's a collection of stories of strong Asian women who are in our lives today and who can be great influence for young girls and women. They have defied social and cultural conventions, followed their dreams and making a difference in this world. The illustrations are fantastic and the stories real.

In Her Purpose (IHP) is more than just a book, it’s the foundation. It is a community, culture, and a family! The authors, Rose and Jenn, offer career guidance and professional growth programs to help people reimagine how they look at their career, business, and life purpose. They can help you land the job you desire or do something entirely different, like start your own business.


The hardcopy version is available for $25 (exclusively from me for a discounted price). If you wish to have a signed copy, please send an email HERE

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Vina's chapter titled "Be Simple"

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An Interview with Eco Entrepreneurship

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Eco Entrepreneurs Podcast featuring Vina Lustado. Click to listen

I've given many interviews about my tiny house and my business before. But never to the extent as conveying my LONG journey in the process! This conversation with Rashmi Vittal was a real pleasure and one of my favorites! She did a wonderful job, so I hope you give a listen!


"If there is a story of perseverance, commitment to fulfiling a calling and relentlessly following one's passion that one wants to listen to, then this is the one." - Rashmi Vittal


Vina Lustado is the founder/owner of Sol Haus Design, a boutique firm with a focus on sustainable design and building in Ojai, California. After receiving an architecture degree and more than 20 years experience with high-end corporate clients, Vina decided to focus her career on smaller-scale projects that could make a positive difference. Staying true to her values, Vina lives full-time in her off-grid Tiny House. Vina's home has been featured in media publications, books and television. Lustado is also a proud recipient of FWN Global 100 Most Influential Women. She has been a featured speaker at Yale University and was chosen as Innovative Entrepreneur by Social Venture Circle.

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