madmimi banner 2 june 2022
newsletter nov 4 2023

The Beautiful autumn colors lately!

(Scroll down for the links to join Infinity Healing Circle on Nov 7th and The Joy Gathering on Nov 16th .)



I can hardly believe it is November already!! Sorry about last week. I was having issues with my computer not connecting to the internet, and busy with all the different places I work at, so by the time Wednesday afternoon came around and I still couldn't connect and was feeling very frustrated and overwhelmed with everything, I knew that I needed to cancel The Joy Gathering Online last week. Thank you for bearing with me.

But I was able to get the internet issue taken care of And this week there will be The Infinity Healing Circle on Tuesday night. The Joy Gathering Online will be next Thursday. This weekend will be busy for Readings at both the Awkwardly Zen 11-11 Metaphysical Fair on Saturday (11/11) And at Confia Collective this Sunday (11/5) and next Sunday (11/12).

I have availability at my office in Littleton, on Mon (11/6) noon, or 3pm. Friday (11/16) noon, 2 or 4pm. Book Your Session Here!, OR text or email me and we can get your time set up! I offer the Intuitive Readings and/or Cranial Sacral/Reiki/ Energy work as well as "area work" for specific issues.

You may notice that I will be having a little less availability and that I may need to alter the schedule for the zoom Gathering Calls for a bit. My mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. My dad and I are doing our best to get her to her appointments and taking care of the household. So bear with me and keep her in your thoughts and sending good healing wishes her way please. She has had so many cards and flowers send her way as well as people checking in and bringing over food. She (and we) are so grateful for all of this. She is responding well to the treatment plan her oncology team has her on. We appreciate all of your healing wishes!

A colleague of mine (and former student) has business venture helping Healers in Business. She aske me to be a guest on her podcast! I was honored she asked and later found out that I was her 1st guest! Thank you Jane! Here is a link to the podcast and her info.


I was also asked to be a guest for the Spirit Road podcast with Laurie Hewitt & Tim Behrens which is featured on the Awkwardly Zen site.. It was fun talking to them and exploring our Journeys in Intuition. Here is the link to listen.

Wishing you Health and Joy!


I have created a Meet Up group for The Joy Gatherers Online! I will be sharing The Joy Gathering and Infinity Healing Circle there as well as some future zoom events. Stay Tuned! Check out the Meet Up Group Here!

(the Preferences button at the bottom allows you to change your email address or unsubscribe if needed)

power of 8 feb 2021

Infinity Healing Circle

You are warmly invited to the Infinity Healing Circle! Join Paula Karen and Myself, Nov 7th starting at 7 PM MST as we continue our guided monthly online healing circle.

Paula will wax poetic about a topic.

We will then practice harnessing the miraculous quantum healing energies of a small group to heal others, your life and the planet.

Remember as you do this for others, so what you also need returns to you. Donielle will lead the group in a guided mediation that centers on healing for you, the planet and others.

This is a Free Event.

Infinity Healing Circle Zoom Meeting Nov 7th at 7 pm (MST)

Join here

Passcode: 497039

Joy Gathering Image Joy

The Joy Gatherers Online!

Join us for The Joy Gathering Online. Thursday evening, Nov. 16th at 7pm Mountain time.

NOTE: Reminder of the New Zoom Link!

Join Christie and Myself for the Joy Gathering! Christie will review the numerology for November, and all the exciting numerology events happening this month! Donielle will pull a card for the collective. We will Share our Joys, as it is one of the main reasons we gather. No matter the size of the Joy, we feel it helps to raise the collective 'vibration' a little higher and we think the world needs that right now! And we will have a guided meditation. This is a Free event.

Simply click on the link below to join the Zoom call. If you are having trouble connecting it has been suggested that you download the Zoom app to your device.

Join us for The Joy Gathering Online Thursday Nov 16th at 7pm!

Meeting ID: 889 8657 3350

Passcode: 507722

july 25 2022 newsletter

Intuitive Readings and Cranial Sacral, Reiki & Energy work with Donielle

Intuitive Readings with Donielle Saxton. Assisting people to find their Joy, Peace & Power.

I Assist people in finding their Joy, Peace, Power & Fun!

"What is an Intuitive Reading?"

Do you have important issues you are facing? Need clear answers? Let’s answer your questions using dowsing, cards (oracle/tarot), clairvoyance and powerful insights. I encourage you to make informed decisions and learn to follow your own inspiration.

My training and experience with the tools of dowsing, Tarot/Oracle card reading, Intuitive/psychic, medium and energy work can facilitate an experience of Reconnecting to your Soul, your Soul Passions, your Inspired actions. Using these tools, we can work to help you, as a Being, Reconnect with your Soul & Divine guidance.

"What is a Cranial Sacral & Reiki/Energy Session?"

I have 25+ years of training, teaching and experience as a BodyWorker in various modalities. I am able to utilize my tools to provide a personalized session focusing on what your body needs in that moment.

Cranial Sacral is a gentle, hands on technique that focuses on releasing the restrictions in the cerebral spinal fluid to help balance the body's nervous system.

Reiki is a complementary therapy that involves encouraging a healthy flow of energy in the body to lower stress and promote healing. It can improve mood and emotional well-being, reduce stress and increase relaxation, and help sleep and insomnia.

I have Certifications in Massage Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Structural Integration, Reiki Master, Auricular Therapy and Biofeedback and more.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Colorado.


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Please forward this newsletter along to anyone you think might enjoy my work. And if you would prefer not to receive this newsletter, there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page, no questions asked.

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