This Sunday... Bullies – Will You Stand Idly By? Bullies…we’ve either been one, been their victim, or have been a bystander. Likely, your first thou

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This Sunday...


Pastor Phil Ball

Bullies – Will You Stand Idly By?

Bullies…we’ve either been one, been their victim, or have been a bystander. Likely, your first thought is to an experience in grade school or middle school, but there is also bullying in the workplace and even in our homes. This Sunday, we want to invite you to Sunday School where we’ll be discussing the different kinds of bullying and how to address them. Then in our message out of 1 & 2 Samuel, we’ll look at the life of David as he faces both Goliath and King Saul in their efforts to bring the future king down a notch.


Church Wide / Community Happenings

Discovery Class Coming Soon

September 14, 21, 28, and October 5
This is a class about Laurelwood and how you can be a part of what God is doing here. Together we take the time to introduce ourselves to each other, get introduced to God and His Word, and find out His purpose for us and His church. Taught by Pastor Mike. Meets in Module 2 at 9am. Open to everyone.


Wedding Shower For Zee Sheppard

All ladies are invited to join us in celebrating the upcoming wedding of Zee Sheppard with a brunch on Saturday, September 13th at 11am. Zee is registered at Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and Crate and Barrel. The shower will be at the home of Allison DeViney (15808 NE 100th Circle Vancouver).

small groups

Small Group Kickoff: September 7th & September 14th

If you are interested in being involved in a Small Group, please join us for our Small Group Kickoff! On the first and second Sunday of September (9/7 & 9/14) head into the Fellowship Hall immediately following the morning Worship Service. There you will have a chance to meet all the Small Group Leaders and find out what group is a fit for you. If you have additional questions, please contact Kevin Kruse at 360.892.1060

All Church Prayer Night


Love and Respect Class

Signup for the next Love and Respect class This Sunday at one of the kiosks in the Fellowship Hall.

Land R2
Pictorial Directory

New Directories Coming Soon

We need every family to fill out a directory information form. These forms will be on the seats in the service this Sunday. If you want to be included in our next directory, you must fill out a form, even if nothing has changed! All forms can be returned in the offering plate on Sundays. We will also be taking pictures for the new directory. If you did not get your picture taken last year, or you would like to update your photo, we will be taking pictures before and after the service on September 7, 14, 21 and 28. No appointment needed!


Financial Peace University

September 11th - November 6th, 2014
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! The 9-week class will be Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00pm with free childcare provided. Sign up online at the FPU website (search for the Laurelwood Baptist Church class). See Matt and Tami Smith or David and Amy Worden for more information.


Ministry Events & Updates

Boomers Plus, Larry and Mary Dombrow

Boomers Plus Luncheon

Register at the Boomers Plus kiosk Sunday 9/7 or 9/14 and sign up to bring a main dish, salad, or dessert to feed 12 (the Freedom House boys are hungry)
Questions: call Mary Loomis or Mary Dombrow

Boomers 9-2014

Men's Ministry, Pascal Gentile

NEW Wednesday Morning/Thursday Evening Bible Study

33 The Series: A Man and His Work
Study begins Wednesday September 17th – 6:00am-7:30am in the Great Room or Thursday September 18th - 7:00pm-8:30pm in Module 3.
Study Guides are $15. Registration will be available at the Men’s Ministry Kiosk.

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IMPACT (Youth Ministry), Phil Ball

Soccer at Columbia Valley
Tuesdays at 8pm
The more people we have, the less running each of us have to do, so please come!

Ultimate Frisbee
All ages are welcome!
Thursdays at 6pm at the park next to LBC

Service Opportunities
Tim Cook and Sana Becker have a few service opportunities available. If interested, talk to them.
If you have ideas of how we can serve in the community, let them know too!

Find us on Facebook – IMPACT Student Ministries
IMPACT (Youth Ministry), Phil Ball

LCM Logo  Final

Children's Ministry, Melanie Kruse

Move Up Day

Children will move up to their new classes on Sunday, September 7th. All children must be the age or grade of the classroom they are going into by August 31st. Please see Melanie Kruse with any questions. Thank you!

The children’s ministry needs your help!

We are in need of one person to love on the babies, another person to play with the 1 year olds, and someone to teach the 4 year olds (all during the 10:00 worship service). We are also in need of one person to teach the elementary children (during 9:00 Sunday School). All positions would only be once a month!
If you are interested in serving in one of these capacities or just have questions about them, please contact Melanie Kruse. Thank you!!

Club 66 Registration is Closed

Anyone wishing to register can be put onto a waiting list.

Club 66 starts on September 25th, Thursday. Time 6:30 -8:15 p.m.
Questions, contact Leng Halstead or see Sharon Craven at the children's kiosk today.


Outreach Near & Far


Mission Focus

Commissioning volunteers for Fall ministry

We want God to grow us and use us to grow others closer to Him. So this Sunday we want to pray for our ministries that are starting up again for the Fall, and especially for ministries that we know will include non-believers, like Club 66, IMPACT youth group and MOPS.

Persecuted Church

CHINA: Gao Zhisheng Released

Well-known human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng was released from prison into controlled freedom on 7 August. Gao is now staying with family in Xinjiang province, but is under heavy surveillance. Gao was first detained in 2006 and gave graphic accounts of being tortured and repeatedly beaten when he briefly resurfaced in 2010, only to be jailed again in 2011 on charges of inciting subversion. As well as losing many teeth, Gao's daily ration of cabbage and a single slice of bread have caused him to lose 20 kg in weight, according to a statement by US-based advocacy group, Freedom Now. The group said he had been confined to a cramped cell, with very little light, and had been largely deprived of human contact until his release. Gao's wife Ms He has urged the Chinese government to allow Gao to seek treatment in the United States, where she and their two children have been living since 2009. As a prominent human rights lawyer, Gao had defended China's Christians and other minority groups. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for his work.

Prayer Points:
Praise the Lord for this answer to prayer for Gao and his family.
Pray the Lord will minister to him and fully restore him physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray he will soon be reunited with his wife and children.
Pray for the many Christians in Chinese prisons; ask God to strengthen them and help them to endure their current circumstances. Ask Him to give them a joy that can only come from knowing the Lord Jesus.


LBC Family Prayers and Praises

I wanted to thank the church body for the gift basket and all the help I have gotten since the car wreck, with rides and dinners and prayers. I am really grateful for all the help. Just want to thank everyone for showing me more of who God is. Jackie Faling


Adult Christian Learning

Adult Bible Study

9am Every Sunday Morning

Contemporary Issues

Combined youth and adult Sunday School class. Meeting in the Great Room. June 8th-September 7th.

Upcoming Classes

Discovery Series: Stewardship Explore what it means to live a lifestyle of stewardship, so we can one day hear God say “well done, good and faithful servant!” Discussion is led by Bob & Sue DeViney along with Scott & Allison DeViney in Module 3 starting September 14th at 9am for this 4 week class.

Israel: Past! Present. Future? There are many in the Christian community who believe Israel has been replaced by the Church. This "spiritualizing" of prophecy certainly affects the way we view end times events, and in some cases has actually led to anti-Semitism. Therefore, how we interpret the bible will determine the answer to the question, does God still have a plan for Israel today and in the future? We will explore this question this fall to see what the bible clearly says about Israel. This class is led by Jim Draper and begins on September 14th at 9am in Module 1.

Jeremiah: the Man, the Message, the Ministry Throughout history, the nation of Israel, the New Testament Church, and our nation today have continually rejected godly instruction in order to embrace a world view of ungodly living. Jeremiah faced the same challenges that Paul faced with the New Testament churches and that our Christian community faces today. Come with us as we use Jeremiah's experience to learn how to live rightly in an up-side-down world. This class is led by Paul Lantz and begins September 14th at 9am in the Great Room.

Discovery Class This is a class about Laurelwood and how you can be a part of what God is doing here. Together we take the time to introduce ourselves to each other, get introduced to God and His Word, and find out His purpose for us and His church. Taught by Pastor Mike: Module 2 at 9am (The next class will be September 14, 21, 28, and October 5.) Open to everyone!

S.H.A.P.E. Class We believe that each one of us has a vital role to play in the body of Christ. In this class, you’ll learn about your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experiences and discover more about how God has uniquely shaped and prepared you for service in your relationships, home, work, community and church. Sunday mornings at 9 am in module 2 at 9am. (The next class will be October 12-November 9.) Everyone is welcome!

Financial Peace We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Contact Matt and Tami Smith or Dave and Katy Doel for more information. (The next class begins September 11.)

Depression Class taught by Pastor Mike Wilde: Module 2 (Watch the bulletin for the dates of the next class) Call or email the office to be put on the invite list and we will notify you when it is available. Open to everyone

Grief Class taught by Pastor Mike: Module 2 (Watch the bulletin for the dates of the next class) Call or email the office to be put on the invite list and we will notify you when it is available. Open to everyone

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Listen to Sermons Online

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Small Groups

Small Group Kickoff – September 7 & 14

Small groups are kicking off for the year soon with sign-ups after church starting on September 7! You can check with Pastor Kevin any time for group times, locations and study topics.


Bible Study Resources

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Daily Bible Reading Guide:

September 8: Ezekiel 38-39
September 9: Ezekiel 40-41
September 10: Ezekiel 42-43
September 11: Ezekiel 44-45
September 12: Ezekiel 46-48
September 13: Joel
September 14: Daniel 1-3

Sign up for a Daily devotion to be delivered to your email:

Purpose Driven Connection
Our Daily Bread

Bible Study Tools:

Bible Online (
Bible Study Tools (


LBC Budget Update

Budget To Date 238,098

Giving To Date 230,977

Expenses To Date 207,277

Weekly Budget 10,989

Offering Last Week 5,628
