
February 3, 2023


Do you remember a guy named Bill Clinton? Yep, that Bill Clinton of Monica Lewinsky fame - the one painted in a blue dress by Patrina Ryan-Kleid which hung in the foyer of Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan home. If you remember this guy, you should remember his FOMC Chair, Alan Greenspan. Almost 30 years ago, Mr. Greenspan came up with a quirky quip while giving his most memorable speech,"The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society." It was "irrational exuberance." Just what the heck is this? Well, in a nutshell, it is the manipulation of Wall Street.


Right now, after a financially decimating 2022, the U.S. Markets are rallying, not just rallying but eliciting talk of new bull markets. If you're not a day trader, a swing trader, or a financial genius, all my warnings from last fall are valid, and I do not rescind a single one. That is, what we're currently witnessing is "irrational exuberance." And it doesn't end well. In fact, it will end in catastrophic losses for the average American, their pension, and their IRAs. I am entirely out of the financial markets. Had I known 30 years ago what I know now, I would no doubt be a multi-millionaire today, as would many of you. But we're kept in the dark about the true nature of money, how it moves, and how to acquire and use it. This is why the rich get exponentially more wealthy while the lower and middle classes ultimately become destitute. They listen to the wrong people giving financial advice. The way to acquire wealth is NEVER to invest and hold, yet this is what 99% of all financial advisors tell their clients. It's all about profit-taking and reinvesting in hard assets.

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I always thought the Federal Reserve created money. They do not. I always thought the Federal Reserve controlled interest rates. They do not. I always thought the Federal Reserve assured market stability. They do not. So what do they do? All central banks, without exception, have one purpose and goal, to bankrupt nations. Is the United States bankrupt? Stupid question, right? You'd be surprised how many Americans have no idea the United States Government defaulted on its debt in 1933 and has since been under complete control of the Federal Reserve Bank. It then defaulted again in 1968 and 1971. The U.S. Government is bankrupt. When you realize it must keep borrowing to survive economically, you understand why the U.S. dollar continues to be devalued, soon to the point of worthlessness. So how do the wealthy stay rich? They own physical assets, plain and simple. And their money works for them - unlike us schmucks that must work for our money. That's the key. It's all about filthy usury. Even at just 5% interest, with a $1 million investment, you'll double your money in 15 years. Now you can understand why the U.S. Government owes the Federal Reserve nearly 1 Trillion dollars in interest on the national debt for 2023.

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So what's the point here? This is the point. We're all broke. Every U.S. citizen owes the U.S. Treasury nearly $250,000 for their share of the debt. Factor in their household debt, and you can see why we're poor, and the 1% are beyond wealthy. It's called theft. And it's about to happen once more on a scale we've never seen. Please don't listen to those with irrational exuberance stating we're in a new bull market on Wall Street. They can't see the big picture. Every accurate and factual economic indicator spotlights that we're heading off a cliff financially as a nation - yet Wall Street roars ahead like a bull in a China shop, only they don't realize they're the China shop, and the bull is just a very clever bear masquerading until the time is right to reveal his true nature.

What is the moral of the story? If you're still invested in Wall Street and have yet to at least move to a cash position, you're not Whale watching; you're chumming for sharks.



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