2017 updates on some great accomplishments of LPN Studios' Students and Alumni!\*Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios\* Where the Stars are Always Rising

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2017 updates on some great accomplishments of
LPN Studios' Students and Alumni!
*Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios*
Where the Stars are Always Rising


TONIGHT Wednesday January 18th, Watch

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“It's hard to put into words how immensely Lauren has effected my acting! She has enabled me to come at every character differently and with a positive state of mind. Her use of environment is second to none and has transformed my creative process. I'm certain that any actor who has trained with Lauren would agree that you grow just as much as a person as you do as an actor! She opens emotional doors and gives insight that we as humans are often blind to. It's an honor to work with her, and a blessing to have a studio like LPN to call home!”
MICHAEL PROVOST - #RealityHigh, The Case For Christ, Elbow Grease

"COLONY" Premiered 2nd Season, January 12th with ALEX NEUSTAEDTER as Bram

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Click here for season 2 Trailer

More good news about Alex:
- Currently shooting the title character in new film "MILES"
-"WALKING OUT" with Matt Bomer screening at SUNDANCE 2017

“Studying acting without Lauren is like climbing Mt. Everest without oxygen! Stepping into that casting office knowing in your gut you have an edge on other actors is priceless”.
-Alex Neustaedter - Ithaca, The Tribes of Palos Verdes, Shovel Buddies


"THE PATH" Premieres 2nd season, January 25th with KYLE ALLEN as Hawk

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Click here for season 2 Trailer

More good news about Kyle:
- Named one of "12 under 25" in VANITY FAIR in 2016

"To give someone the ability to create emotions in others and to tell a compelling story is truly a gift. A gift that is given so freely by Lauren in this class. I have seen myself and others transform in this class. This studio has made me the actor and person I am today. I'm proud to be able to call this studio my home.”
Kyle Allen - XX, 1 Night


"INTO THE BADLANDS" Premieres 2nd Season March 19th with

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Click here for season 2 Trailer

“Lauren has been a big part of my success. She has opened up things in me I didn't know I had. She goes over and beyond her "Call of Duty". I'm so lucky to have her on my team."
Aramis Knight - Billy Boy, Enders Game, The Dark Knight Rises, The Mentalist


"THE SON" Premieres April 8th 2017 with
SHANE GRAHAM as Charles McCullough

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Clck here to watch official Trailer

BRIT MORGAN Continues to Recur on "SUPERGIRL"
as the One and Only LIVEWIRE!!

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2016 has been a pivotal year for Brit, guest starring and recurring in several exciting and career defining roles such as Livewire on Supergirl and on Law and Order: SVU
“Lauren’s teachings are invaluable to me. She has taught me to be a truthful and dynamic performer and in the process, a successful, working actress. She is so much more then just an acting teacher! Not only has she helped me grow as an actress but as a person. I am so blessed to have her in my life. I never stop learning! I love you Lauren!!”
Brit Morgan - Law & Order SVU, True Blood, Graceland, The Mentalist

SURAJ PARTHA Recurring on 2 Hit Shows

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TEEN WOLF Airs It's Final Season
with KHYLIN RHAMBO as Mason

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MICHAEL MAZZEO Currently Running

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Click here to watch teaser

IOHANNA SANCHEZ Booked 3 Projects This Week


LG Commercial, Film: Project E, Webseries: Sweet
Lauren’s class has helped me immensely in so many ways. She has created this space where it’s ok to be your creative self and open up to different possibilities. It’s inspiring to be in a class where everyone helps each other grow. I am beyond grateful to be a part of this studio that feels like home. The knowledge I have gained, has helped me so much when being on set and in the industry overall. I believe acting is ongoing learning experience and I trust in Lauren’s process to guide me through this journey. Thank you Lauren for being the wonderful human being you are!
Iohana Sanchez


Some Groundbreaking "Firsts" for Some Diligent and Talented Students, in 2016

Jeremy D. Howard booked, shot and aired the first season of his first series regular role on the MadTV reboot for the CW!
Jance Enslin booked, shot and screened his first series regular role on a pilot made for Amazon!!
Fidelia Grace booked and shot her first lead role in a feature film. We await the release!
Nathan Harrington booked, shot and screened his first lead in a feature film now available on Amazon. He plays the rock star that he is!!

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Find out NOW how to:
- Reserve space in class
- Work with Lauren privately
- Audition for Lauren's master class
- Get your teen or client on the list for the next teen class


Most Recent Bookings From the Last Quarter in 2016!

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Two studio members booked a role in AIMEE, an important film on the subject of sex trafficking. A project that aims to make a difference.

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Bryana kept busy all year as Daisy on BEST FRIENDS WHENEVER for Disney

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Tim also produced and appeared in the film INFIDEL along with 3 other LPN Studios students, and has been nominated for several film festivals this year.r


**Live Video Testimonials**

Click on any photo below

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Brit Morgan


Jacob Artist

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Kyle Allen

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Alex Neustaedter


These Students Kept Very Busy in 2016

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Would you like more callbacks?
Are you getting the callbacks but just not booking?
Are you booking but seeking more gratification in your work?
Do you just want that extra push that lifts you to the next level?
Would you like to flex your muscles and get better at what you do?

Studying and coaching with Lauren is explosively effective,
so much fun, and most importantly, leads to work!

Why not enjoy what you do
AND take your success into your own hands NOW?!
Study in an environment that produces results!!
Find out how to qualify to study at LPN Studios in 2017


Some Major Films in Theaters Near You in 2016

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-That which you focus on expands -

"The better you get the more I will ask of you" - Lauren Patrice Nadler

Give yourself, or your client, the advantage of powerful,
masterful training and build momentum,
not just for Pilot or Episodic Seasons, but all year around!



More Notable Bookings in 2016
That Aired on TV, Became Available On Demand, Circulated Through Festivals, Went Up on Stage or are in Post Production

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Click to read TVLine announcement

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Brett just signed on to movie THE FAITH CLUB

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Lauren's students are constantly getting called back,
consistent testing and booking is a frequent outcome,
and casting directors frequently ask where they are studying.

Directors, producers and DP's are often blown away by the high level of professionalism and technique Lauren's students possess, on set,
even those with little to no experience.

Scroll further down for Lauren's philosophies and information
on auditing and/or enrolling to study at LPN Studios.


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Top tier students are part of a troupe called
Catch them live every third sunday,
when they are not on set!

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Click photo for website for tickets and info

LPNSImprov show has been running since July 2014
Next Live Show, Sunday, February 19th 7:30pm


The bottom line is,
Check the website for more LPN Studio highlights,

because Lauren's students continue to:

Leave a lasting impression!
Land a multitude of bookings!!
Have nearly a 90% callback ratio!!!
Have the time of their lives in the process!!!!

Inquire NOW about how to join class


Lauren has an equal flare for teaching/coaching both comedy and drama. Her program nurtures and develops students that are becoming known for booking notable roles, their expert improvisational skills,
as well as powerful script analysis.
Lauren's students develop a broad range of characters. They audition and work at an expert level. Those already at an expert level are taken to NEW HEIGHTS!

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Lauren Patrice Nadler was named one of the “5 Directors to Watch” in STUDIO SYSTEMS NEWS (click here for full article) And her web-series IT'S YOU NOT ME, starring over 50 LPN Studio alumni, is an official selection in LAWEBFEST 2015 Click here to watch the entire series
Originally from NYC, Lauren Patrice Nadler is an award winning director, acting coach & actress. Between projects, she spends her time coaching actors towards successful careers in film & television.

Most of Lauren's students started acting in her class and have quickly become professional actors who are now in demand and continue to work with her throughout their career. With a callback ratio of nearly 100%, Lauren's students go to network frequently & their bookings are consistent and constant.

This years Lauren directed 8 sketches for the new Youtube series "Saturday Night Taped". The series included 16 of her students and alumni

When studying with Lauren,
you will expand on your ability to:

Further plug into your true instincts
Overcome fear & self consciousness
Place your focus to manage nervousness
Be free to act on your creative, emotional & physical impulses
Multi-task on stage & camera
Tap into sources to cry and/or laugh freely
Make choices that are personal
Simplify your preparation
Be detailed and specific
Interpret material to honor the writer’s intention
Have a WHOLE experience when performing
Choose wisely, then totally trust your choices


Learn to recognize when you are "IN" or "OUT"
Know what you need, and how to find what you need,
to achieve a desired result.
Always have a variety of levels working simultaneously.
Obtain the ability to “pull the focus” when necessary.
Always enjoy the process.
Become CERTAIN about the quality of your work
Book jobs in your desired genre.
You will build momentum, be more competitive & always be "ready"*
Schedule your free audit and get on the waiting list TODAY!!*

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Click website link below to:
* Contact Lauren to get on the waiting list for class or schedule an audit

Website: www.laurenpatricenadlerstudios.com

Facebook: LPN Acting Studio Fan Page

More Student News and Testimonials: Student Testimonials

Ongoing Classes in 6 Week Cycles

Monday 6:30 -10:30pm (Master Class)
Wednesday 6:30 - 10:30pm
Thursday 3:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday 1:00 - 5:00pm

Monday Master Class by Invitation Only.
Space is Limited in All Classes

Working out, studying and coaching at LPN Studios is not a guarantee of work or employment. These programs are for educational purposes only.

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