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Greetings Fam,

African Voices is hosting a free wellness and joy day on August 27 at our pop up gallery! The event includes our book signing for Cheryl Boyce Taylor, author of We Are Not Wearing Helmets.

Six Senses of Wellness & Healing will offer an afternoon of art, books, music, reiki and other activities to promote well being. We will share our list of activities shortly. RSVP: Six Senses.

There is one slot left for our Sci Fi & Fantasy Writing Workshop so take a moment to register. The workshop begins tonight at 6:30 pm.

See you soon!

peace and blessings,

African Voices

Sci fi Fantasy writing workshop



REGISTRATION: $35 ($25 before 8/15/2022 - CODE: AVSCFIWRITER2022)
DATES: 8/17/22, 8/22/22, 8/24/22 and 8/31/22. TIME: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm.

Have you ever wondered why characters like you are missing from science fiction and fantasy literature that portray civilizations on a distant planet in the future? Imagine creating a unique world for readers to enjoy with the characters that reflect their lives? Science fiction genres motivate you to imagine the infinite possibilities of your reality and what is possible.

In our virtual writing room, you will learn to build strong characters with complex storylines that inspire readers to keep turning the page as the plot builds. You will delve into crafting imaginative stories that titillate the palates of unsung heroes, sheroes, and theyroes.


RSVP for We Are Not Wearing Helmets!

On Sat., Aug. 27 at 5 pm, African Voices will host a pop up book signing for award-winning poet Cheryl Boyce Taylor for her latest book we are not wearing helmets. Join us for an exciting event of celebration, poetry and conversation about Cheryl's latest poetry collection. The event is also a pop up focusing on health and wellness.

About the Author

Cheryl Boyce-Taylor is the winner of the 2022 Publishing Triangle’s Audre Lorde Award for her verse memoir, “Mama Phife Represents,” which stands as a tribute to her late son, hip hop icon Malik “Phife Dawg” Taylor of A Tribe Called Quest. Additionally, she is the author of five collections of poetry, Raw Air, Night When Moon Follows, Convincing the Body, Arrival, and We Are Not Wearing Helmets published by Northwestern University Press in February 2022. Cheryl has facilitated poetry workshops for Cave Canem, Poets & Writers, Poets House and The Caribbean Literary and Cultural Center.

Her poetry has been commissioned by The Joyce Theater and the National Endowment for the Arts for Ronald K. Brown: Evidence, A Dance Company. A VONA fellow, her work has been published in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, Pluck!, Killings Journal of Arts & Letters, Adrienne and The Mom Egg Review. Cheryl is a recipient of the 2015 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award, and the founder and curator of the Calypso Muse. She earned an MFA in Poetry from Stonecoast: The University of Southern Maine, and an MSW from Fordham University. Her life papers and portfolio are stored at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

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