
November 1st PTA Meeting

Please join us for our next PTA meeting on November 1st at 7pm via Zoom.

Principal Frageman will be joining us at the meeting for a Q+A. If you have a question you'd like to ask, please fill out the following Google form, and we'll do our best to answer it!

To review the minutes from our last PTA meeting, you can do so here:

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 895 9751 5958
Passcode: mountain

Hope to see you all at the meeting!


Dirt Club! Saturday, Nov 6 1-4PM

Dirt Club Nov 6

Come out for our only Dirt Club data in November!

We'll be touching up the outdoor classrooms, putting a 2nd coat of stain on the tops of our new picnic tables, and possibly tackling clearing some of the fence lines depending on the turnout.

Bring some work gloves, drinking water, and favorite limb loppers if you have them...we'll provide the rest. Hope to see you there!


November Birthday Celebration - Nov 12th

Help the PTA celebrate the November birthdays of our awesome Mills' teachers & staff! The SignUp link includes the items requested, and will also be posted to the school Facebook pages. Contact Tiffany Hight via email: if you have any questions. Thanks for helping make these celebrations fun for our wonderful staff!


Middle School Transition

Please check the Middle School Transition Smore to learn about any and all middle school updates:


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