August/September 2016 Hello, Friends! There's always reason to smile in Jesus!  That's why I wrote "You Make Me Smile"...He really does make me smi


August/September 2016

Hello, Friends!

There's always reason to smile in Jesus!  That's why I wrote "You Make Me Smile"...He really does make me smile!  True, there was a time when religion for me was all serious and burdensome and stuff, but now I know that God makes it easy to serve Him gladly...I just needed a more heavenly attitude.

I've gone through some rough things in just the last month myself.  But working on this song has helped me remember how blessed I am above and beyond all the problems.  Give it a will play all the way through in my TunePort app.  If you'd like to own it, you can download it for free until Monday, September 12. 

(Sorry there's no video for it, but maybe I'll make one eventually.)  Listen and download here.

What’s New Here


Click me!

Now that I've finished "You Make Me Smile," that's twelve songs for the album wrapped up.  I'm looking forward to a formal release in October, maybe with a bonus track.

(Of course, most GoFundMe contributors get the album for free!)  Please do chip in and help me keep a roof over my studio!  :)

Hey, Let's Talk!

I love to respond to comments on my website, on YouTube, on Facebook, and so on, so please drop a word whenever you can!  Let me know if "You Make Me Smile" lifts your spirits!

Thanks for engaging and listening and subscribing!  God’s peace to you!



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