Ah, June... Finally, local asparagus, and we say farewell to apples and pears, which give way to rhubarb and the first flush of plump, fragrant strawberries. Apricots and cherries start to roll forward, too, and soon, we'll have a cavalcade of peaches and nectarines to choose from.
I ended last month by turning in a manuscript for a book. I've been working on it for the last year, but the final weeks before you turn in a book is always a hustle to get it done, and make sure it's done right. I've been thinking about the book for months and months, and now it the time to get it all together into one cohesive book. (Well, hopefully!)
The critical last few weeks are when you find things you might want to add, or remove, or change, or revisit, or revise, before the book to be sent to your editor. Their job is to go through it and ask a zillion questions about every. little. detail. - down to each word, ingredient, verb tense, baking time, and semi-colon. I spent the month of May glued to the couch, below, "assuming the position" as I call it, with my laptop, notes, a pillow for my head (support is important..), and my favorite noise-canceling headsets, which blocked out distractions and the rest of the world, so I could concentrate.
(Another help was Freedom, which blocks social media or other websites that beckon. Writers, and anyone else who needs freedom from distractions, you can thank me in your acknowledgements.)