Hello, Friends!

We hope this note finds everyone healthy in this trying time. Everything is one-day-at-a-time...something a planner like myself has a hard time with! These past few weeks I've spent the time moving (a feat in itself during this time!), catching up on past edits, and taking the time to retreat with exercise and fresh air. If there is anything I have learned, it's a whole lot of patience.

I want to take this opportunity to thank those that have reached out, stayed in touch, and supported the studio thus far. It means the world to me to have my clients come back...and spread the word. I look forward to the day when I can photograph you again (and hug you!)

PLEASE continue to support your local small businesses

As the city has embraced the spread of the coronavirus, small business owners have been hit extremely hard due to social distancing and event cancellations—hurting our bottom lines and, for some, the lifespan of their business. This has already impacted our studio greatly, as well as other types of businesses. We can prepare for a refrigerator to break or having to pay someone to fix our plumbing, but the cost of a pandemic is not something we small businesses have funds set aside for. Please consider purchasing a gift certificate to a local bar, restaurant, or coffee shop to be used at a later date as it can help boost cash flow to businesses during this slow economic period. We are also offering some great ways below to support our studio specifically that have been extended to the end of the month::

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Family Sessions

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Personal and Small Business Branding

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Special Events

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Senior Sessions

Special Offers through April 30th

Free re-activation of past events - The studio has an online archival of all events dating back to 2011. Galleries will be re-activated upon request to take advantage of these special offers.

20% off all print, canvas, and metal orders placed through your online gallery. Be sure to use promo code COVID19

20% off gift certificates / gift cards - Follow this link to purchase e-cards online with promo code COVID19. Or contact the studio directly to order a paper certificate

20% off Lifestyle Packages - Pre-purchase for your fall / holiday photo sessions, head shots, personal or small business branding, and content creation.

20% off albums - Order an album from past events / weddings or Pre-Purchase for your upcoming wedding or event! This is a great opportunity to have an archived storybook of your day. We have albums starting at $500 and have flexible payment plans available as well



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Gift Cards

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We recognize that purchasing items or gift cards may be the last thing on your mind. An awesome (and FREE) way to show your support would be to follow and like us on social media and refer us to your friends and family::



Another great way to support us is by leaving reviews on your experience with us on any of the following links::



Wedding Wire

Thank you again for your continued support in keeping our small business alive. Please stay healthy and safe!


Much love and gratitude,

Your Team at Studio Carre Photographie



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