Newly released tape from ISIS threatens Israel Click here to watch: Newly released tape from ISIS threatens Israel "The Israelis thought that we for

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Click here to watch: Newly released tape from ISIS threatens Israel

"The Israelis thought that we forgot Palestine and that they had distracted us from it. That is not the case. ... Palestine will not be your land or your home. It will be a graveyard for you," says Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in recording released Saturday. Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Saturday directly warned Israel, saying, "We are getting closer to you every day." In a 24-minute audio recording, Baghdadi said, "The Israelis will soon see us in Palestine. This is no longer a war of the crusaders against us. The entire world is fighting us right now." The ISIS leader continued: "The Israelis thought that we forgot Palestine and that they had distracted us from it. That is not the case. We have not forgotten Palestine for one moment. "Palestine will not be your land or your home. It will be a graveyard for you. Allah has gathered you in Palestine so that the Muslims may kill you. The leaders of the jihad fighters will surround you on a day you think is far, but we see it as close. We are coming closer to you day by day," he concluded.

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Baghdadi also claimed that his self-styled "caliphate" was doing well despite an unprecedented alliance against it, and he criticized the recently announced Saudi-led Islamic military coalition against terrorism. The reclusive ISIS leader said airstrikes by the international coalition only increase his group's determination and resolve. The message was Baghdadi's first since May, and comes amid battlefield setbacks that ISIS has recently faced. "It is unprecedented in the history of our ummah (Islamic nation) that all the world came against it in one battle, as it is happening today. It is the battle of all the disbelievers against all the Muslims," Baghdadi said. He said the U.S.-led alliance does "not scare us ... nor do they scatter our resolve because we are the victors in any event." Baghdadi taunted the United States for not putting boots on the ground. "They do not dare to come, because their hearts are full of fear from the mujahideen," or holy warriors, he said.

Source: Israel Hayom


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