

Dear supporters and followers of our foundation. We hope that you have all started the new year well and that it will be a good year for you in every way.

Earthquakes keep hitting the area


In January the area of Cisarua was again hit by an earthquake. Luckily this one did not do much damage to the Village, although the epi centre was not far away, near Cianjur, about thirty kilometres to the northeast of Cisarua. Houses in the area were severely damaged and there were injuries, but luckily no lives were lost.

The damage which hit the village at the first earthquake in November (see picture), has more or less been restored. The school that was severely damaged can be used again.

Java Village has received €717,50 to help the victims of the earthquacks. In our next Newsletter we'll let you know how these funds will be used.

Successful sale of Indonesian pashminas

Our sale at Zilpa's in November was a success, with a number of pashminas finding their way to a new owner! We were able to raise nearly €300 for the Foundation. Thank you everyone who has supported us!

Support us via Doelshop (NL) or Shopdonation (UK)

An easy way to support us is via Doelshop.nl. (in The Netherlands) or via Shopdonation.co.uk (in the United Kingdom). There are no extra costs involved if you do your online purchases via these links. Java Village receives a percentage of your purchases directly from Doelshop/Shopdonation. So please think of us when you are ordering for instance a meal or clothes or making online bookings. Thank you!

How are the SaS and MPS students doing

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Our ten new SaS students and the three students of the Maria Peters Scholarship are doing well. Their school results are very satisfactory. Keep up the good work Silva, Raima, Siti, Amalia, Nadia, Alvina, Desti, Siti Zahra, Sri Gantini and Siti Nurhanifah of SaS and Hani, Hasya and Raisha of the MPS. We're so proud of you!

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The Maria Peters Scholarship was founded in memory of Maria Peters, one of the first supporters of Java Village, who sadly passed away in 2016. In honour of her, her family took the initiative, together with Java Village, to establish this special grant for excellent students.

The learning centre in the villiage remains an important spot for the pupils. Here they can get help with their homework and other issues. Java Village supports thirty SaS and three MPS students now. Over the past fifteen years 140 pupils have been supported by our SaS programme.

If you would like to support the Maria Peters Scholarship, please go to support on our website.The costs for senior high school or vocational school are higher than those for junior high school, because the government asks a school fee for the second phase of secondary schooling. This means that the total costs for three years are €1650 (€550 per year per pupil), compared to €450 for three years of junior high school (€150 per year; there is no school fee for SMP, junior high school). Java Village has been supporting junior high school students for the last fifteen years through its Sponsor a Student (SaS) programme (see below). Understandably, senior high school is an even more heavy financial burden, and support for these students is highly appreciated.

Become a SaS Sponsor!

Please do not forget our Sponsor a Student project. This ongoing project supports young pupils so that they can continue their education after primary school. The village doesn't have a secondary school and many families can't afford the cost of going to a school outside the village. The Sponsor a Student project helps these families. Since the beginning of the project in 2008 Java Village has already helped 140 pupils to go to a junior high school. You can support a student by donating €12,50 per month or €150 per year. Please go to our website for additional information about how you can become a SaS sponsor.

Support us by buying books through YouBeDo

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Buy your online books via YouBeDo! You pay the same price as elsewhere but up to 12% of your purchase will go to Java Village (if you choose us as your charity.) Click here for a direct link to our page on the website of YouBeDo.

Don't forget us when you are doing your online shopping!

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Shop online at your favourite stores via DoelShop.nl (in the Netherlands) or at ShopDonation (in the UK) and they will donate a percentage to Java Village! This is an easy way to support us, without any extra costs for you, making your online shopping even more enjoyable.
For details of how to shop and donate, please go to our website or use the links above.

Donations to Java Village are tax deductible


The Java Village Foundation has been acknowledged as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI (institution serving public interest) by the Dutch tax authorities. This gives the opportunity to donate with fiscal benefits or leave assets to Java Village. Your donations to our foundation are tax deductible in the Netherlands. We explain how you can make use of this option on our website. Please click here.

Follow us on Facebook

Up-to-date news about Java Village is posted on our Facebook page. Visit it to find the latest information, photos of our projects and more that is happening in Java Village.

Friend of Java Village

With a minimum of €5 a month or €60 a year you can become a ‘Friend of Java Village’. With your support, we can guarantee and continue running existing projects and initiate new ones. Java Village organises social events, exclusively for all Friends and Sponsors of Java Village, where you can meet your fellow supporters of Java Village and enjoy Indonesian snacks. The Board will update attendees on ongoing projects and on new ones that are planned.

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