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Ethics of Inclusion
Final weeks of CE credits for Pennsylvania
Online trainings
Writing for Healers
Tarot and Tea
Trauma and sound healing
Free CE credits
Psychotherapy humor
Psychodrama conference

Ethics of Inclusion on Friday

We have Bringing the Ethics of Inclusion to Your Psychotherapy or Practice Space scheduled online on Friday.

As of today, Monday, no one has signed up. But here's what I think: Discrimination -- and therefore exclusion -- is a hugely important topic, just as important as the ethics themes of boundaries, dual relationships, mandatory reporting and the like that show up in the usual ethics classes.

I designed this class nearly three years ago, when so many of us were shaken by the on-camera beating and death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn., and were reading books like Ibram X. Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist and Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

Like others, I wanted to use my white privilege to create classes and courses that spoke to anti-racism themes on structural levels. This experiential class, which fulfills the state licensing requirement for three hours of ethics programming, takes a look at inclusion from the perspective of social justice.

Although no one will be turned away, this training workshop is especially meant for white psychotherapists, coaches and educators who have been immersed in the dominant society and are looking for ways to sensitively address how they can become more welcoming to Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

We will use experiential and interactive teaching activities to support the exploration of multiple ways that we can design our practices to become more welcoming to “the other,” particularly people of color.

I hope you'll join us online from 9 a.m. to noon ET on Friday for three CE and psychodrama credits and a generous page of handouts. The Early Bird discount ends Tuesday, Feb. 14, so you'll want to register now.

Register here.

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day.
More P.S. Writing for Healing Professionals happening online on Thursday. Info here.


Online psychodrama opportunities

Keep on scrolling for more online training workshops and groups with topics that use psychodrama and related methods of sociometry and group skills, including Pandemic Stories: Acknowledging and Healing Collective Trauma for the Delaware Valley Psychodrama Collective on Feb. 25. More info here.



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Repeating: Free CE credits

Free options for CE credits for mandated child abuse training in Pennsylvania:

▪ University of Pittsburgh, click here.
▪ Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance, click here.
University of Pittsburgh, click here.
Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance, click here.

Also, CE4Less offers a free online class on Ethics and Boundary Issues. Info here.


Therapy humor

Cats in therapy meme

Psychodrama conference

Here's your regular friendly reminder that registration is open for the annual conference of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama March 29-April 2 at Fordham University in The Bronx, New York, New York. Come for the full event, just one day or even one workshop. Group and student discounts available. More info here.

Less drama
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