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When a Sheikh tried to claim Israel belongs to Arabs, he got DESTROYED by this Jew! There wasn’t even anything to debate after the Jew spoke. He accurately argued the facts, and it’s SO perfect! And he did it ALL in Arabic!

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Click here to watch: Iran claims Israel is controlling clouds and stealing the rain

That is one of the most absurd claims EVER - it's actually humorous!


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Katie Hopkins says Israel's security wall "is the model that America needs"

Despite what the media tells you the wall is for, it's a security wall that protects Israelis from being killed.


Israel has given to the world in so many ways. You may not have even realized that Israel has developed products for a healthier future. They have produced various fruits and vegetables. Find out if you’ve seen them in your supermarket!


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Shalom from Jerusalem!
Avi Abelow

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