Hi lovelies - It has been a LONG time since we had a chance to chat. I won't lie. It's been busy, but you get that, right? Our world has been full o


Hi lovelies -
It has been a LONG time since we had a chance to chat. I won't lie. It's been busy, but you get that, right?

Our world has been full of play rehearsals, soccer games and I started TWO new jobs. Yes, two. I am back in the classroom teaching 5th grade math and I am the new Instructional Technology Coordinator for our school district. I am over the moon about both. Oh, and we got a kitten because --- why not add to the crazy?

Since the last time we spoke, three AMAZING deals have passed through our pages and I want to make sure you caught them because they are REALLY amazing.

I am sharing Jillee's deal first because it is only running for three days and is a really great deal for some gifts - JUST FOR YOU. Take a peek and I promise not to be such a stranger.


Editor-in-chief of BonBon Break


Time for You Bundle

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You've worked hard to get school started for your kids, now it is time for a back to school gift just for mom. You are in a groove. Lunches, drop offs and pick ups, homework and extracurricular activities. It is starting to feel like a real structured schedule.

It’s the perfect time of year for a back to school gift for mom.

We’ve put together something to help recognize your hard work this fall. We're excited to announce the “Time for You” Bundle, a collection of products, offers, and bonuses designed with you in mind! This bundle has everything you need to make your mealtimes a little simpler, your home a little more beautiful, and your life a little bit easier. Exactly what BonBon Break is all about.

24 amazing products. 1 tiny price. Only 3 days to purchase. Take a peek and spoil yourself.


Terra's Kitchen


I love to cook. I love feeding friends and family. I love growing food in my garden. I HATE shopping. I know it sounds crazy, but I have really come to dislike going to the grocery store, especially with my kids. When I am pushing the cart around, my nerves get frayed when they start hanging on the basket or me. As they become impatient while I slalom up and down the aisles checking items off of my meticulously organized list and batting off their requests for that “food item” with Elsa on the front, I start to meltdown.

You can only imagine my EXTREME pleasure when Terra’s Kitchen asked me if I would like to receive some easy, healthy and delicious meals in the mail. What? WHAT?! Yes please, sign me up. I popped onto their site and picked out 2 dinners, some ground turkey, 3 salads and some snacks. The total? $100 including shipping.

In the meantime, I started perusing their site a little more…

Check out all of the details and watch my LIVE video now. Also? Find out how to get $30 off your first order. Seriously, you will LOVE this one.


Garden Lites


September rolled right through and kept us running. Two new jobs, a new kindergartener, a 4th grader, Back-to-School nights, soccer practices, soccer games, homework, play tryouts, play practices, snacks, snacks and more snacks! Honestly, I feel like a snack buying machine when I am at the grocery store. Each child has their own requests and in the back of my mind, I am thinking, “Too many carbs?” “Are they getting protein?” “Yikes, I don’t want to send nuts!” “I should bake a whole lotta something on Sundays!” I tried the baking thing and it was all gone by Monday, which is fine, but it doesn’t help me with the need for endless healthy snacks requests during the week.

Cue Garden Lites®. Just when I decided that my plate was TOO full and I couldn’t start any new relationships with brands in September, they offered me some healthy snacks that can be stocked up in my freezer — and they were sending me a boxful.

As I read through some information about the company, I knew this was a perfect match for my family and I thought you would want to know about them as well. Discover our new favorite snacks!


Aventura Clothing

As always, we have been LOVING the Fall / Winter collection from Aventura Clothing.

...and this is the REALLY good one. Visit this link and leave a comment telling me which piece is your favorite. I will randomly choose a comment from Oct 15 - Oct 30 and the winner will get --- drumroll please ----
$200 to spend at Aventura AND a 60% off coupon. WOOT WOOT! So what are you waiting for? Jump on over there!

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