ALL Love Letter Small

Hi my dear one!

Shannon here....

Want to meet somebody who will really blow your hair back?

Well get ready.

Because this is the week you get to meet CHIEF.

Chief and I were introduced only after he crossed the Rainbow Bridge and his mom, Betty, wanted to reconnect.

All I can say is, thank goodness.

Chief had a surprise (or few) tucked up his paw for me, let me tell you!

And in this week's blog post, you get to read all about it!

Wondering what wisdom your pet may have for you?

Hit "reply" and let's find out. :-)

From my heart to yours,

p.s. I'm teaching again in just a few weeks - and YOU are invited!


Highlights of this week's Love Letter.....

* NEW on the BLOG "Chief's Story: May I Take Your Order?"

* NEW on Let's Talk to Animals - meet Kundalini yogini & animal communicator Diana Delmonte

* NEW FREE COURSE: "EFT Tapping for Pets" + BONUS - learn emotional freedom technique to help your pet

* NEXT CLASS STARTING SOON! Only 3 spaces are left for September's Animal Communication 21-day Adventure


NEW POST: "Chief's Story: May I Take Your Order?"

Can animals still talk to us after they have died? Do they know how much we miss them? What choices do our beloved pets have once they have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge? Chief's story is an inspiring example of how bottomless grief can turn into resounding joy.

Every week I get the chance to talk with some amazing animals and some equally amazing humans. Serving pets and their people as an animal communicator is such a humbling blessing! I honestly, truly feel like I receive so much from the animals - more even than what I can offer them.

Chief's story is a perfect example of this.

I met Chief one evening when his person, Betty, scheduled a Rainbow Bridge animal communication session with me. She had been referred to me by two of my clients and she wanted to talk about her beautiful boy's passing.

Betty had a very specific question for Chief. She wanted to know if she had made the right decision to let him go.... READ FULL POST


NEW Episode of Let's Talk to Animals

LTTA Front DianaDelmonte

Click to listen & subscribe

CLICK HERE to find Let's Talk to Animals on your favorite podcast services AND on YouTube


NEW FREEBIE! "EFT Tapping for Pets"


Click to start watching


Learn to talk to animals!

ACA Logo with Photo

Click to learn more

I opened up my first-ever Animal Communication Adventure class back in March. Just 4 students + me.

It was a smash success.

So much so that our little group is still meeting weekly to practice everything they learned. And we are becoming really good friends.

Why do I mention this here & now?

I am doing it again this September! Our next group of six students is already forming and only 3 spots are still available.

Is one of them YOURS?


Animal communication really works :)

Your ability to connect with Chief in such a loving and respectful way was exceptional.

Thank you ever so much for my session with Chief. After his passing a few weeks ago, it was so special to be able to meet with him and receive the wisdom he had to share. Your ability to connect with Chief in such a loving and respectful way was exceptional. From the depth of my heart, I appreciate the heartwarming messages you were able to deliver to me! Much Love!
Betty Holland & Chief


Help me help more pets & their people

Know a friend who has pet problems?

Or pet questions? Or pet healing needs?

Refer a friend who schedules a session....

....and I will send YOU a voucher for half-off any session of your choice!


P.S. If for any reason you are receiving this weekly love letter and no longer wish to, just click "unsubscribe." You will be missed.

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