The cup song just got so much better... Experience the rebirth of the Jewish nation on it's Land in the hills of Samaria. These mountains stood empt

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Experience the rebirth of the Jewish nation on it's Land in the hills of Samaria.
These mountains stood empty for generations awaiting the return of the people to it's Land. The Land of Israel is truly blessed to have communities like this!

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Click here to watch: A Gazan Arab Secretly Produced this Video for All to See!

A rare video that shows the terror regime that Gaza Arabs live under the Hamas regime.


Click here to watch: Amazing Historical Footage of Returning Heroes After Entebbe Hostage Rescue

A great day for the Jewish people!


Click here to watch: Netanyahu: Western Powers ‘Collapsed’ in Nuclear Talks

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The 30 Second Video "Palestinian" Activists Do Not Want Anyone to See!

Israel is the only country in the world that....


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Shalom from Jerusalem, Israel!
Avi Abelow

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