CORRECTION: Kingston Transition meeting Thursday February 17th at 9am

All are welcome to join our monthly zoom get together on Thursday February 17th from 9-10am. Please click here for the link. You can join by landline by dialing 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 853 6630 6252
We hope we see the light at the end of the Covid tunnel and that sometime in the foreseeable future we will be able to meet again in person. The few times we met last summer in person reminded us how great it is to make personal connections in person. So please come on 17th and bring your energy and enthusiasm for all things going on in and around Kingston. We especially appeal to millenials. Gen X's and others who will be able to continue the work of promoting and helping local efforts to combat climate change and grow community in so many ways in Kingston.


Climate Emergency Resolution

Last year Kingston Transition presented a draft of a Climate Emergency Resolution to the City's Common Council then Majority Leader Rennie Scott-Childress. Although Rennie was not opposed to the idea, it was not, as far as we know, discussed at any Common Council meeting. So we are trying again. We will again present a draft resolution, in the hope the Common Council will pass it this year. The resolution, like others passed around the world, including by New York City, representing over 34 million people, calls for an immediate emergency mobilization to restore a safe climate. Resolutions of this type are not binding, but they reflect the thinking of the body that passes them, and as such, can act as a litmus test for future decisions.
Update: We understand from Rennie that he will introduce the Climate Resolution to the Common Council in March. Thank you Rennie!


Kingston Transition supports a CERT program

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a federally supported program (FEMA) that trains community volunteers for disaster preparedness so they can help professional responders in the event of a local emergency. The program trains local volunteers in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, triage and disaster medical operations. One of the objectives of CERT volunteers is to lighten the load of the professional responders; for example by deciding if a situation is an emergency or not. A basic tenet of the volunteers is that they know their own neighbors, and are aware of those who would be vulnerable in an emergency. All Kingston residents, having experienced the recent ice storm, can appreciate how helpful it would be to have community members with basic emergency response skills and who know who lives in their neighborhood.

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