Dear Friends & Partners,
In early 2024 the Liberal Party of Canada is planning on expanding Medical Assistance in Death (MAiD) to the mentally ill.
Friends when did we stop being a nation that fights for people to overcome mental illness and suicidal thoughts and become one that helps these same people end their life?
M.P. Ed Fast has put forward bill C-314, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying).
If C-314 passes, it will mean that the expansion of MAiD eligibility for the mentally ill will be stopped.
It has already had its first reading. This week, it will be voted on by Members of Parliament.
If it passes, it stays alive and goes to committee.
If it does not pass second reading, the bill will die.
Here are three things you can do right now to help ensure this bill does not die this week.
1 - Pray. Please take a moment now to pray for the passing of this bill, and please pass this information on to your prayer groups.
2 - Contact your M.P.: Our M.P.s listen when they hear directly from Canadians. Please take a moment to email your personal M.P. right now and ask them to vote IN FAVOUR of Bill C-314 when it comes to second reading vote this week. Click here to find your M.P.s contact info using your postal code.
3 - Contact ALL M.P.s: If you can, please take it a step further and email all M.P.s asking them to vote in favour of the bill. Click here for a list of all M.P. emails. (If any of these emails bounce back, please let us know ASAP so we can correct them.)
4 - Please share this with your friends and encourage them to sign up for the 4 My Canada email list so they can get these updates directly.