Shop Small ~ Part Deux (well that's the extent of my French, but...) This is catching on! Who'da thunk ya could actually e - n - j - o - y the holi

Snow Tree

Shop Small ~ Part Deux

(well that's the extent of my French, but...)

This is catching on!

Who'da thunk ya could actually e - n - j - o - y the holiday shopping experience??!!

Last weekend, both Hanna and I had a blast at our respective events; Hanna showed with 2 other very different and spectacular artists at her studio, and I joined 3 other amazing artists at Saco Yasuma's high-flying salon.

This weekend, Hanna and I join forces, as we show at her studio on...

Saturday, December 13th


513 Manhattan Avenue (between 121st/122nd)


I am really looking forward to this - Hannelorre MacDaniel is an extraordinary jewelry artist that knows no bounds! Her work is sculptural, visceral and quite editorial. Really, you have to come out and see for yourself - in person - how truly magnificent her work is!


And some pieces from my SfragaSaga collection... Neckpieces:


...Totems, Bracelets and 'Gratitude Rocks'...

Gratitude Rocks copy
wine and cheese5

So come on over and join in the hang - eat, drink - and yeah - be merry (you can't help it, I promise...) and you may even get a little shopping done!

Wishing you ease, fun, joy, and don't forget to pamper yourself!

Big Love,



Please call me at 646-244-0838 if you'd like more info, directions, or if you just want to shoot the breeze :0)

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