
March 31, 2023

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Over a year ago, I released an update on what you could expect to happen relative to the 'Ukraine' situation. So please don't be dismayed or distracted by the 'clown show' going on right now with Trump, his feigned concern about World War III, and news about the U.S. positioning its nuclear fleet of submarines (USS Scranton, USS Indiana, et al.), which left Pearl Harbor, San Diego, and Connecticut last Friday, March 24, 2023, heading to the European theater. The ONLY reason Donald J. Trump has been viciously attacked, impeached, and threatened with indictment, conviction, and jail IS NOT that he is a "good" guy. The kingmakers that appointed him to the Presidency in 2016 did so against all odds when the cabal running the New World Order of American Imperialism had already chosen Hillary Clinton as their anointed one to run America into the ground and headlong into a communist police state. Trump set their 'timetable' back years as the Orange Man undid much of what was previously done. And he did what only President Kennedy had done before him, expose the Illuminati pedophile ring in Washington D.C., the fact that his predecessor, Barak Hussein Obama, was a CIA fraud, born in Kenya and married to a transgender woman, formerly a man, Michelle/Michael, and the stranglehold Weapons dealers have on the Department of Defense. But Trump is NOT a good guy; he is a mafia Don and little else. You're watching political theater. When Trump stepped down after winning the 2020 election, instead capitulating to the steal and handing the reigns to Biden, he chose himself and his family over America, plain and simple. You're being made to believe one side is good and the other evil. Spoiler alert; both sides are evil. What good is a lesser evil? IT'S STILL EVIL. My advice? Stop voting. It has been a complete and utter waste of time for decades at the Federal level, an exercise in futility.

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I've been doing this long enough to understand Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican, is an internal feud between quasi-dueling parties hell-bent on controlling the most powerful nation on earth. Neither one of them have the commoner's best interests at heart, nor the former Constitutional Republic of the United States. This is about one thing AND ONE THING ONLY. Does America proceed as a communist state akin to China and Russia, or does it move forward as a Fascist Dictatorship vis-à-vis Hitler's Germany? Either way, it's all part of the GREAT RESET agenda of the World Economic Forum's push to make America a military police state. Potent forces at work are trying to keep this from escalating into a nuclear confrontation. Parties that are NOT HUMAN. Will they succeed? I expect we're going to see a limited nuclear war. But controlled for a purpose I touched on in the last update.

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Keep your focus on the big picture, not the little political details that keep people distracted and distanced from the true agendum. It's called The Plan, The Great Secret, and it's nearing fruition. So with that said, back down the rabbit hole we descend.

The threat of a nuclear war is a distraction; IT IS NOT THE MAIN EVENT. Petty little tin gods sitting in the White House, the Kremlin, the Zhongnanhai, or at 10 Downing Street are just actors in a grand production to entertain the masses. They are no different than the ancient idolaters of Babylon and Egypt, who derived pleasure from the sacrificing and sexual exploitation of children. OUR CURRENT WORLD LEADERS ARE NO DIFFERENT. THEY ARE EVIL TO THEIR CORE—the House of Windsor, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Vanderbilts, down to your Presidents, Senators, and Congressmen; THEY ALL DESERVE DEATH for being treasonous vile beings. Until people begin to realize this, the charade will continue. The elite will continue their resurrection of the French Revolution of 1798 right here in the United States. Will it succeed? Yes, I believe it will. Why? Because most people are blissfully ignorant simpletons who instead believe in fairy tales of religion and the pursuit of happiness in the form of physical wealth rather than pursuing knowledge and the betterment of their inner being. They silently stand by as their world goes to hell, thinking they'll soon be in a better place. REALLY? Are you sure?

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THE REAL POWER in this world IS NOT holy but deceptive, evil, and wicked, pulling the strings of EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN AND RELIGIOUS LEADER THE WORLD OVER; bet on it! This heavily managed real-life drama is played out to reach the end goal. WHO WILL CONTROL THE PLANET WHEN THE CATACLYSMS SOON TO COME SEND MANKIND BACK TO THE STONE AGE?

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The Great Secret is NOT secret. Not anymore. And THEY know it. Throughout the ages, Government and religion kept the TRUTH from the masses. This has stayed the same for thousands of years. The formation of 'secret societies' during the Middle Ages protected the Secret and were fought against vehemently by the Roman Church and Western Empires that DID NOT want the public to know of THE PLAN, already well known in Eastern Religions. It all sounds so mysterious and conspiratorial, right? But it IS the truth. Religious belief today is fading on purpose and for a reason. The dominance of Christianity has run its course. It has served its purpose for the last 2,000 years. ISLAM's competing religion is also near its end, having existed for 1,400 years. Even Judaism, founded upon Yahwism during the Bronze Age, has been revealed as more occult than Christianity or Islam combined.

Even so, The Hebrew religion of the Israelites has proof that Christianity will never have; archeological and historical evidence of its existence in ancient times. I'm not fluent in koine Greek nor a scholar in higher criticism, but I am open-minded. And I've always had some serious questions about the validity of the New Testament's authorship and some very profound concerns relative to the Jewish eschaton once I began studying eschatology in earnest. I always understood that pagan idolatry was Christianity's foundation, readily seen in holidays such as Christmas and Easter. I knew that the Madonna and Child (Mary/Jesus) predated Christianity by thousands of years. I knew that Resurrection motifs and miracles like walking on water were first attributed to Egyptian gods. Then we had Roman deities of wine and healing, later morphing into a superman of an amalgamated Jewish god named Jesus Christ. Is Christianity the brainchild of ancient Roman families like the Pisos, as some scholars have suggested, to defeat the rebellions of the Jews during the Roman Empire? These are serious questions. Can you answer them intellectually, apart from blind faith? I know I can't for sure - all we can do is study the facts and review the evidence. Is it any coincidence the world, for the past two millennia, must count on the Church of Rome to reveal the truth? The wealthiest entity on the face of the planet with secret archives dating back thousands of years and hidden from the public; this is the organization we should trust for truth relative to the Messiah of Israel. Really? From its inception Roman Catholicism, the so-called FOUNDATION of Christianity has been the most disgusting and evil source of wickedness and depravity on the planet, not its adherents per se', but its cabal of leadership. To deny this fact is to keep one's head buried deeply in the sand. Black popes, antipopes, and deviant Cardinals looked more like satanic emissaries than disciples of a holy, righteous god. A quick study of the Dark Ages will show how wicked the Church of Rome's hierarchy has always been.


I do not intend to sow doubt as much as elicit wonder and question. Our world is NOT at all what we were taught it is when we were children. We're all products of our parent's biases and instruction. I was taught when I was young that Christians in the West that accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior went to heaven when they died, and those that rejected him or did not accept him were tortured in a fiery hell for eternity by an angry God. I later grew up preaching some of this from behind a church pulpit as truth. I've since realized it is as far from the truth as possible. So from my perspective, maybe the world should have a NEW faith based on a more astounding fact. Hopefully, this truth won't have people mindlessly walking in a circle worshipping some black building in the middle of the Arabian desert or performing sexual gyrations into an ancient wall of a Roman fortress near the shores of the Mediterranean. Likewise, neither will blindly deceived people who worship stone statues or pray with a set of beads in the middle of Rome praising some pedophile dressed up like an ancient pagan priest demanding his parishioners kiss his fancy ring. Pseudo-science will be the new religion. That is, until it, too, is shown as just another cult. Truth is relative - I know that now. Maybe in the new world, religion won't exist, but that's just a fantasy, I know.


Humanity, in general, needs religion to give it hope that the physical world of matter is NOT all there is or ever will be; far from it. Nothing we see, taste, touch, smell, or hear is real, as in solid. It's all an illusion, a hologram, if you please. Particle physics and Quantum mechanics tell us this much today. Everything consists of electrons, protons, photons, neutrons, quarks, etc. It's all, in essence, energy. It's all moving; nothing stands still. And at the center of all of it is The Absolute. The Great Spirit. What religious people term 'God.' But religion has MANY gods. Christians have Jesus Christ, Jews have Yahweh, and Islam - has Allah. Then there are hundreds, if not thousands, of lesser deities. Which one is Supreme? That depends on which religion you ask. Do you see the dilemma? Do you see why humanity is destined for a perpetual future of hate and violence if separate religions continue? Sadly, this is humankind's eternal destiny, or is it?

I used to believe in the Christian religion. That Jesus Christ was the only TRUE God and every other God or goddess was a false god. Never minding the blatant contradictions of being taught Yahweh and Yeshua was the SAME GOD. Once you realize they ARE NOT, you can understand why Judaism hates Christianity, why Christianity hates Islam, and why they will NEVER reconcile. What's left? Destruction of them all. That is coming. And it's coming sooner than you chose to believe. I am and never will be opposed to religious people. I used to be religious. And from my experience, many of these folks are the kindest, most loving, and most caring people on the planet, and that will NOT change. Religion DOES NOT MAKE people this way- a Spirit beyond their comprehension does! They know deep down it is wrong to view other fellow humans led by the same Spirit as lesser beings despite how their religious leadership fans the flames of division and hatred.

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Nonetheless, they buy into the deceit for varying reasons. The best I can surmise is that Good and Evil will ALWAYS BE opposing forces in this physical realm of space and time we call reality. And they each have their adherents. The hard part comes when we try and decipher who exactly is evil and who is good. I think a tell-tale sign someone is writhing in darkness is whether they are a psychopath celebrating the death of the innocent or excusing sociopathic behavior. That typically does it for me. Need an example? How about Dr. Anthony Fauci? Despite Donald Trump calling him a nice man and saying he likes him, this man is evil personified - I wouldn't be surprised if he is a reincarnated Joseph Goebbels. And what does this say about the discernment of Trump? The guy who got his spiritual advice from Paula White-Cain? Is it any wonder people are deaf, dumb, and blind, religiously speaking? Political Evangelicals have to be the worst offenders, in my opinion. When Church and State wed, it is a match made in the bowels of the pit. It always ends in democide.


This is why this iteration of humanity will once more end, and a fresh start will be implemented. This is just the cycle of destruction and rebirth. And it's been happening in this dimension of physical reality since it was first brought into existence. And if you have yet to read between the lines by now, that wasn't with religion's Adam and Eve supposedly 10,000 years ago. Our earth has existed in the physical realm for well over 10,000 years, well over 100,000 years, well over one million years. And it had ancient civilizations upon it much more advanced than even our technological society today. And then destruction came. Over and over, it happened. We are on that cusp of renewal once more - most of humanity senses significant changes are afoot, and even bigger changes are coming - most believe the End of Days is upon us - and in one regard, they are correct. But it is NOT the end of the planet, simply the end of this world as we know it. Humanity is about to be wiped out once more. Why? Because evil outweighs the righteous good almost incomparably. So, just like our ancestral past, our current reality will disappear and, throughout thousands of years to come, slowly, it will rebuild itself with the interference and guidance of superior interdimensional beings physical humanity has called Gods, angels, and demons for millennia. This is reality. And this has been hidden from most of us for nearly our entire lifetime, just as it has in previous generations since our current human era began after the last ice age 12,000 years ago.


Whether we believe it or not will dictate our destiny. People, for centuries, have been so convinced of their faith that they've died for it, tortured for it, and killed for it. Rather than commend those killed for their courage, I seriously question the evil of their murderers and the supposed appeasement of angry gods demanding blood. If you wish to believe, then believe this: there is good and evil. There is light and darkness, and our purpose in this life is to learn the difference. You've been told as a Westerner that Christianity is the ONLY way to salvation; eastern religions have not. So billions of souls are chosen and forgiven, and billions of others are cast off and tortured. I reject that notion now. Protestantism is just as depraved as Catholicism. Who's right? The Baptists? The Pentecostals? The Adventists? The Anabaptists? Maybe the Methodists? The Lutherans? The Calvinists? The Episcopalians and Anglicans? Or perhaps it's one of the almost 40,000 independent non-denominational groups. Is the Bible even relevant anymore?

And I say this as one who has studied the Bible backward and forwards, researched and taught its precepts. A Bible that causes some Christians to justify murdering their fellow man in the name of their God and others that love their fellow man and go willingly to their deaths when persecuted. Which do you suppose is the more righteous? It's good vs. evil; that's all there is -and if you're honest, you'll realize, at least as a Christian, your God is the author of both.

This will be very important to understand to decipher my following updates accurately. The rabbit hole goes even deeper, and only those with open minds can stay the course; the rest always revert away from what they've been wrongly told is profane. Always! Out of fear, they reject what they do not yet understand. How do I know? I used to be such a person. I'm not any longer. I was a person who ignorantly called evil good and good evil. I'm learning the difference. Very few, relatively speaking, ever do. This is why division, murder, and death prevail in our world. Rather than reason together about who one's God may genuinely be - humankind resorts to hatred, persecution then elimination. Remember, the ultimate truth is there is good and there is evil - our purpose is to distinguish correctly and understand there is a purpose to life in our three-dimensional reality. And THE ABSOLUTE orchestrates it.


So just Who or What is THE ABSOLUTE, and why does it matter? We'll get to that next. Stay tuned. The deeper we go the deeper the hole descends. In the meantime, enjoy the show. Just as predicted and right on time comes the collapse of the House of Cards. Let the chips fall where they may. You've prepared, right?

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