
Here's the latest news from Child of Hope in Uganda... these and more stories can be read on our website and social media.

New child fostering service

Our initiative to arrange fostering for orphans and other vulnerable children was born when our respite accommodation became far too overcrowded and we realised it’s not suitable for all children. The new fostering programme not only relieves pressure but also offers a better environment for some of the children who couldn't live with their own immediate or extended families.

It’s been hard work! After a lot of time and energy, we have only recruited eight families, which has enabled 13 children to move out of the children’s home and into a family setting. Read more...


Getting Ruth back

Child abduction is not a nice issue to face, but when it crops up with any of the children at our school, our family support team kicks into action fast.

Just two weeks ago, young Ruth (8 years old) was illegally taken by her father to a village where he lived a few hours away. Our team liaised with three police stations to find a way forward and the police were then prepared to give Betty some support. With that in place, we advised her what to do and gave her enough money for transport to go to the village and recover Ruth. After eight days, she's back!


Sports and games help children with maths

Yes, it’s true! Following a generous donation of sports and games equipment, including ropes, balls, scrabble, Ludo and dominoes, our teachers have been putting these to good use, not only in playtimes but also to enhance learning.

Teacher Stella explained that skipping games can be used to help children with counting – as the children jump, the teacher can guide the children to count. Ludo is helping children with counting and problem-solving. Dominoes are used to help with number identification, problem-solving and addition. Now, children who are reluctant to engage in writing activities have made great progress through learning number skills through sports and games.


Beating alcoholism with a new business – and a bit of help

A slum mum is recovering from alcoholism – thanks to help in starting a small business.

Mary wasn’t considered suitable for our IGA programme for several years, because she was regarded a hopeless drunk. Now, when we talk of people being alcoholics here, we mean that they are drunk for almost every waking hour. They seem to be experts at making extremely potent alcoholic brews or spirits out of basic household waste.

Anyway, to cut the story short, she is doing remarkably well now with a vegetable business although, as she escapes alcoholism, her alcoholic husband is starting to be physically abusive to her at home – so challenges remain and our welfare team is now also involved with the family. Read the full story...


Good choice

One of the first children to be supported by Child of Hope is doing really well on a carpentry course at the Mbale municipality polytechnic.

Egesa (15) originally dreamed of becoming a doctor when he joined the CoH nursery school, but sadly his grades didn’t match that and – after not performing too well in his Primary Leaving examinations – Bex helped him join the local polytechnic.

He said: “My dream is to open up my own business, probably my own workshop, and also teach some children at Child of Hope who do carpentry like me; I want to be a role model to them and I want them to know that I did not make a wrong choice.”


Children helping children

Children in the UK are usually very interested in learning about the lives of children in Uganda – and two Hampshire sisters were no exception. After hearing about the work of Child of Hope, Lily (9) and Heidi (6), from Oakley, decided to get personally involved by making and selling cookies!

They started by making and distributing mini flyers about their cookie sale to all their friends. They then baked cookies of many different flavours, including white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, smarties, popping candy, and coconut and raisin cookies.

Amazingly, Lily and Heidi managed to raise over £200 for Child of Hope’s work in Uganda! Wow! Very well done, Lily and Heidi! And thanks mum and dad for helping make it happen. Anyone want to do something like that?

Click here to read how they did it... and the awesome cookie recipe!


Registered UK Charity: 1136068

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