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FF Cover July 2020

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Welcome to our July newsletter!
Here’s an assortment of flavours prepared by some of Jordan’s top experts!

Saddle Up Jordan!
Equestrian Guide for Kids

Why FIBRE Is Our Desperate Dieter’s Best Friend

Health Alert:
Breastfeeding during COVID-19

Sweet Selections for a Sweeter ‘Eid Adha Celebration

Homemade Local Flavours
• Chicken Shawerma
• Fava Bean Maqloubeh
• Date Makrouta


Your Dose of Health

Four key takeaways from the July 2020 Edition of Family Flavours


1. Seeking out medical opinions

You need not wait until you or your child is ill to visit health professionals
"Some consider the eye a window to the soul yet it is undoubtedly a window to diseases that affect the body," says Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Nephrologist Dr Kamal ‘Akl. The eye is a powerful tool for alerting us to potential medical problems that a child may have

Did you know that our body's acid-alkaline balance is a crucial component to overall health? Pharmacist Ruba Al Far shows us what's needed to strike the right balance

Many people lack positive coping mechanisms and have difficulties in regulating their negative emotions. For some, self-harm is a way to cope with adverse events and feelings, explains Clinical Psychologist Haneen Mas'oud. This month, she helps us understand what self-harm is and what one can do about it


2. Being a better friend to your body!

Generous, kind, reliable and respectful are just a few of the qualities we tend to look for in a good friend. Yet we often don't treat ourselves with these same friendship qualities in the way we think about our body, what we say to it regularly and how we care for it.


This month, we:
Meet Sonia Salfity's new best friend: fibre! Our Desperate Dieter introduces us to her buddy and tells us to "think of fibre as that nerdy kid that no one wants to play with and who ends up discovering a cure for cancer"


We find that we can always count on our Clinical Dietician Ayah Murad to leave us questioning our long-held (but false) beliefs about nutrition! Her article this month, Shopping for Your Protein, is another wake-up call that reminds us of the importance of solid nutrition education


3. Celebrating with all ages

After months of lockdown, we are grateful to get back to a degree of normalcy.
Now you can plan your 'Eid Adha with us, using our sheep-inspired shopping guide brought to you by our summer intern, Sarah Nabulsi

Baker & Chocolatier Lara Hammoudeh tempts us with her date-filled cookies that you can easily make at home

Our youngest chef, seven-year-old Shareef Schwarten, brings out the flavours of family with his quarantine baking concoction: Apple Cheesecake Bars


4. Embracing your age!

"See the power in ageing and embrace it", writes Helen Mitri Kandalaft in her anecdotal booklet Age Power: Embracing 60 & Onward. We are thrilled to share excerpts every month in Family Flavours.

If you are a forgetful person who frequently forgets anniversaries, birthdays, special occasions or to pick up labaneh from the supermarket on their way home, rest assured that you are not the only one. "I Forgot" Day is celebrated on 2 July as an unofficial holiday – so let’s celebrate!


A Sprinkle of News


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The Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) observed International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June) by engaging Family Flavours and Nakahat' Ailiyeh in a live Facebook streaming session with Haneen Mas’oud, our Clinical Psychologist. Also, Nabil Rawashdeh from the Anti-Narcotics Department took part in the panel discussions. Reem Faris, head of the Tahseen programme for drug prevention at RHAS, moderated the session. Click on Photos

CUB Cover English

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Al Marji’ Publications also invited Reem Faris to speak on its segment in Beit Hawa/Hayat FM radio about joint programming between the two organisations and the parental guide (No to Drugs, Yes to Life!) produced for parents of teens in Jordan. You can read the guide on


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Director of The Children's Museum Jordan Sawsan Dalaq was hosted last month on our weekly segment on Hayat FM radio's Beit Hawa programme. Dalaq spoke about COVID-19's impact and the fundamental change in how organisations reach out to audiences. Dalaq, a mother of two, was also part of the webinar hosted by Al Marji' Publications in May about the opportunities and challenges of distance education - click on photo


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New Chef in the House


Taghreed ‘Odeh, Food Blogger
With a Syrian mother, Lebanese father and a Palestinian husband, ‘Odeh's multinational background inspires her distinct culinary creations. The mother of two has garnered a large social media fan base and joins our team with her corner, Ingredient of the Month


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