
March 26, 2020

NM Book Co-op HELP CENTER #11

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The New Mexico Book Co-op is here for authors, publishers and booksellers to share ideas, and some humor; if you have any ideas that you might share on how to keep our beloved books on the minds of readers and stores, send them to LPDPress@q.com and if appropriate they'll be shared with our wider 1,500+ member book family.


Barbe Awalt and I founded the New Mexico Book Co-op back in 2004. And since her death last spring, I have been doing my best to help keep the organization forging ahead. I don't usually inject my personal life into the daily affairs of the Co-op, but today is my birthday and I have a few comments I'd like to make.

It is my birthday and we are going to party! You are all invited to attend — Today at 12 noon. Oooops, Guess you can't make it. Well, I will hoist a few for you and we will all celebrate.

Normally, I'd be overjoyed at making it to another birthday. My heart feels about 25 year old, my mind about 35-45 years old, but my joints are definitely acting my age. I do wish I could celebrate this monumental date with all of you in person. But in keeping with this season of social distancing, I'll settle for knowing you are 6 feet or more away in reality and right next to me in spirit.

To paraphrase and re-edit something a friend sent to me a couple days ago:
I am sad. Not for me. I’m home all safe and sound. I have food and beer in my pantry, a half a bottle of Purell left, and TP in my bathroom.
•I’m sad for my small business owner friends who have been shut down for now...maybe forever if they don’t survive.
•I’m sad for the hard working non-profit organizations who can no longer do their good work.
•I’m sad for the animal shelters and foster organizations who have been thrown huge challenges to their dedication for saving pets in need.
•I’m sad for all the independent entrepreneurs and artists and musicians and contractors who are out of work with no immediate financial recourse.
•I’m sad for the folks who work in the medical industry and have to face daily this current environment.
•I’m sad for the many people who daily make our world continue...from firefighters, police, truck drivers, grocers and stores providing essential needs.
•I’m sad for the people who are ill from this virus...and other illnesses.

But I have hope, belief, and faith. We have survived other global dilemmas. We will survive this as well. Stay strong my friends. Let’s take it a day at a time. Let’s love and hug our dear ones. And appreciate those simple blessings we do have in our lives. Let’s hold virtual hands of support for each other every moment of each day. And....Let’s all pray for a quick closure to this strange chapter in our world.

If we stay apart a little longer, maybe we can all get together for the next birthday party!

One of my best friends who's a copy editor, tells me that to encourage distancing, the MLA has gone back to two spaces after a period.


Agile Education Marketing sent me a list of 145,000+ public and private schools in US and info on whether they are open or not during this COVID-19 crisis — http://nmbookcoop.com/AgileEdData.xlsx

Patricia Walkow sent an article called "Dog Paws or Kale?" that Co-opers may enjoy — http://nmbookcoop.com/DogPaws.docx

Patricia Smith Wood shared a story for all of us — http://nmbookcoop.com/EmbarrassChild.pdf

We have been getting a lot of feedback and many comments on our HELP CENTER, including from Patricia Smith Wood, MarySue Smith, and Patricia Walkow

Special thank-you to MarySue Smith who sent me an updated list of entertainment editors at various Arizona newspapers. Our email list will be updated to include them for both this Help newsletter and the Cover•Reads newsletter. Anyone who wants to volunteer to compile a list of book outlets (stores, gift shops, libraries) in NM or AZ is most welcome to help. We have many of these contacts but they always need updating and expanding.

Thanks to all of you!

ON-GOING LIST OF SUPPORT IDEAS: As a reminder of previous notes, here are things we all can do to support each other:
* Sign up for bookstore and local business email lists/blasts about current news
* Use curbside pickup and online ordering
* Buy gift certificates from local businesses for later redemption
* Don't forget emergency food programs — www.nmfoodbanks.org
* Talk with local business owners to explore other ideas -- by phone or email
* Cover•Reads — sign up to have your book promoted to stores and libraries all across the Southwest http://nmbookcoop.com/CoverReads/CoverReads/CoverReadsPromo.html

Many of us are asking how we can help. While many in-person volunteer opportunities are suspended due to social distancing, there are still ways to make a difference.
* Donate Time and Money
* Check on family, friends and neighbors
* Share accurate information

Best advice:
* Don't panic and hoard
* Wash your hands
* Stay home and practice social distancing

Paul Rhetts

NM Book Co-op's main mission is to foster community and support for authors and publishers and books.

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