
February 15, 2023

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In our world of make-believe today, is there anything real? What can we truly believe? Who can we trust? Trust me when I say others, along with myself, have spent decades wading through the mire of lies, deceit, misinformation, disinformation, and psychological programming. This doesn't make us infallible, but it does mean you can virtually guarantee what we tell you WILL come to pass. We're not prophets nor soothsayers - we're researchers, that's it. We sound like lunatics at the time, but when the time comes, everyone seems to forget who told them first.

Let's go back to my April 13, 2022, update. Remember? You can read it by clicking here. I stated:

" . . .the GREAT REVEAL is approaching faster than even I desire to contemplate. However, there is much more to it than politics. Humanity will soon know for sure it is NOT alone in the universe. What the five major religions of the earth (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism) have taught humankind has been more about suppression and control than true enlightenment and truth."

So? Have you been paying attention lately to all these UFO/Chinese spy balloon shootdowns engaged by U.S. Military jets hoopla? I've told you it is distraction and disinformation via military psychological warfare. I warned you almost a year ago about the May 17, 2022, meeting of the U.S. House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation to hold an open hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (i.e., UFOs). Here we are! I knew it was coming I didn't know exactly when. It's now. Pay attention. This will be used to further prepare you for the GREAT REVEAL.

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Some commentators, such as Trump Jr., are stating The White House's talk/denial about UFOs is simply a diversion from the recent revelation of the U.S. Navy's sabotage of Russia's Nordstream I & II gas pipelines last summer. Really? It took a Nobel laureate to reveal the truth which I mentioned to you over four months ago and provided the evidence for, which was quickly scrubbed from the internet. Yes, Virginia, some of us ' have the goods' and know what the %$#! we're talking about. Suck on that, you useless pricks at the NSA!! It doesn't take half a brain to figure out that the United States of America is pushing the world toward nuclear war, AND NO ONE ELSE.

Anyway, I digress. I'm not too fond of the U.S. Government and its intelligence arms that are wholly responsible for decimating this country's actual and moral/ethical history at certain times in the past. Our founders were NOT saints - but they designed a government OF, BY, and FOR the people. Today, most people are plain stupid and have no idea they're simply rats in a maze. So be it.


For those of you who have been with me for over 30 years, I'm sure you recollect my mention of PROJECT BLUEBEAM. I wrote and spoke extensively in the mid-1990s after Canadian Serge Monast revealed that NASA and the UN had such a plan. I won't go into detail on this update, but THIS PROJECT IS NOW BEING IMPLEMENTED, AND WE ARE IN STEP ONE. There are four steps. The horrific earthquakes in Turkey last week (2/6/23) WERE NOT NATURAL. AND THEY WILL NOT BE THE LAST. Even politicians are revealing this; click here. A filmmaker I admire recently put together a short video on PROJECT BLUEBEAM. I highly recommend watching it to give you an excellent summation of precisely what PROJECT BLUEBEAM was designed to be back in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan's SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) "Star Wars."


Are you familiar with the latest revelation in Hawaii of a Chinese Satellite projecting green lasers down from space? This is part of PROJECT BLUEBEAMS' second step of three-dimensional optical space-based laser holograms creating a "gigantic space show" simulating supernatural returns of religious icons to all points of the globe.

I warned you things were going to escalate rapidly in 2023 last year. This is ONLY the beginning. While the masses have ZERO cognizance of what is happening right now - YOU DO! Or at least, if I'd been doing my job at least halfway - YOU SHOULD! More to come - stay tuned.



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