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News and Events

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Live-stream Worship Service Sunday, January 31
Join us on this 4th Sunday after Epiphany at 9:30 A.M. We will be live-streaming our worship service and available anytime after on our YouTube channel.

Communion kits together

Home Communion Kits
If you need to replenish your communion supplies, please stop by the church during office hours, Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. If you need to come by after these hours, please call the church office at 815-398-3557. Watch this short video from Pastor Chad or read more here.

Sunday School with apple

Sunday school supply kits for the February and March lessons are available for pickup at the church. If you need your kit delivered, please email julie@stmarklc.com.

thanks for your support

Pledge Note:
Thank you to those who have submitted a 2021 Plan for Giving card. If you are still considering pledging for this year there is still time to mail in your card or click on the link below to the online pledge card.

Thank you for supporting our shared ministries, and for ensuring that we continue to thrive in our ability to share God’s grace with a world in need.

You can pledge online with this simple form. Click here.

Making Changes to your Online Pledge?
A number of members have had run into problems when making changes to their online giving through Pushpay. The best way to make a change to your payment is to delete the old payment and set up a new one. Please feel free to contact Wendy Iversen 815-980-8926 if you need assistance or have any questions.

Annual Meeting clipart

Save the Date!
St. Mark's Annual Congregation meeting will be Sunday, February 14 at 1:00 P.M. in the parking lot. Morning worship will still be online at 9:30 A.M.


Did someone say “tubing?”
St. Mark families and youth are all invited to Alpine Hills Sunday, January 31. Cost is just $8. Please message Melinda Alekna if you are interested ASAP 815-871-0390. There is also ice skating, snowboarding, and skiing available. Check the park district website for more details. AlpineHillsAdenture.com

Celebrating 60 years - bulletin board

Thank you for the Collection of Coats
We collected 70 coats! WOW!
The coats will be delivered to area agencies on Monday.

Random Acts of Kindness

St. Mark Celebrates 60 years and 60 Acts of Kindness!
You have all of February to intentionally do acts of kindness. Here are some suggestions to get you started.
Send a card, a note, an e-mail to let someone know you care, take soup, a meal, flowers to someone,
offer to pick up groceries, send a thank you to a local business you frequent, donate to an animal shelter or re-sale shop, surprise a neighbor with fresh baked cookies,
write a gratitude list in the morning and again in the evening. Find opportunities to give compliments, it costs nothing, takes no time and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it say it! Take flowers or treats to a local nurses station, fire or police station. Leave a box of goodies for the mail carrier or package delivery person. Write a former teacher who made a difference in your life. When you hear a discouraging voice in your head, tell yourself something positive-you deserve kindness too!

For even more ideas going to RandomActsOfKindness.org

Book club

First Tuesday Book Club
With great joy, we’re delighted to announce that the First Tuesday book club is resuming meeting once again on Tuesday, February 2 at 1:00 P.M. in the church café and follow the now usual procedure of wearing a facemask, having your temperature taken, and signing in. Upon leaving, we’ll wipe down the tables and chairs.

We will review The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides with Stella Schroeder reviewing the book, giving some author biography and leading the discussion.

Carol Malmgren will be the hostess. Please email her at carol@whitebirchvillage.com and let her know if you will attend, or, leave a message at 815-985-7835. ALL readers are welcome. In discussion, we often leave finding there was more to the book than we saw just reading it on our own.

loading food in a car

New Date for Mobile Food Pantry- Saturday, February 27th
Volunteers can sign-up by calling St. Mark. We need volunteers that day from 10:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
There are more volunteer opportunities to help the food bank…go to www.solvehungertoday.org
Groups are needed to help consider getting your co-workers, school group, friends to help. They especially need help at the large food distributions, and packing of produce, etc.

church council

Notes from Council:
At its January meeting, the Council discussed the call process for the permanent Associate Pastor and approved an updated job description for that position. Additionally, they discussed the annual meeting that will take place on February 14th. We would like to thank outgoing Council members Christy Malenchik and Tim Spielman for their service the last three years.

new address

Clair Brown, a longtime member of St. Mark, has moved to the Minneapolis area to be closer to family. She would love to get a card or a phone call from our members wishing her well in her new home.

Clair's address is 8480 Franlo Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Her phone number is 815 298-8962.


St. Mark Mobile App!
Download our free mobile app on the app store or google play.

If you are having trouble downloading or have any questions, please call Jill Davenport at 815-218-3403 or email jill@stmarklc.com, she will help you through the process.

This is different than our church directory app.
Our mobile app is designed specifically for St. Mark to improve our communication with our congregation and nurture our members. We encourage you to download the app. It's about getting involved and staying connected.

Click on this link for information on how to download the app!

power of prayer

St. Mark Prayer Chain
Would you like to be a part of the St. Mark prayer chain? Prayer requests come into the church office weekly. As we receive prayer requests we would send out an e-mail and ask that you pray daily for the persons mentioned in the requests. All requests are to remain confidential. Please e-mail melinda@stmarklc.com if you would like to participate in the prayer chain. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Colossians 4:2.

Instant Church Directory Logo

Instant Church Directory
If you are one of many that have downloaded the mobile app or are using the church directory on your computer, you know what a great tool this is. It is always current and up to date.

Please take a moment to download the app or create an account on your computer. The directions are listed below, but if you are having trouble or would just like some help, please call Jill Davenport at 815-398-3557.

Also, many of you have not submitted photos. To do that, follow the link below or email your photo to Jill@stmarklc.com

Click on this link to send us your photo.
Instant Church Directory

Please follow the appropriate instructions for your devices.

Mobile App Login Instructions for iPhone, iPad and any iOS Device

Online Member Directory Login Instructions

Mobile App Login Instructions for Android & Kindle Devices

Office Hours

Regular Office Hours
Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. As always, please call the office or Pastor Chad if you have any needs or concerns.


Remember In Our Prayers

Our St. Mark members:

Betty Lundvall, Dave and Peggy Bargren, Constance Carlson, Russ Oellig, Linda Crooks, Jay Trost, Jan Cotter, John Johnson, Roger Lind, Diane Swanson, Billie Reinhold, Sherri Lindquist, Tim Vivian, Bill Jennings, Tim Panjkovich, Bette Patterson, David Young, Keith Haggestad.

Family and friends of St. Mark members:

Kate Cuccaro, Debbie Adams, Susan Vincent, Deb Oleson, Butch Cotter, Wanda Adamson, Milane Bagel, Janet Webster, Rae Ann McIntire, Linda Johnson, Pastor Jane McChesney, Emily Tropp, Eva Love Sherbondy, Norma Comstock, Carolyn King, Ashton Henley, Nathan Gyllin.

Those serving in the military and their families:

Hunter Haggestad, Tristan Davenport, Scot Hornick, Bailey Panjkovich, Xander Gehrke, Jim Tammen, Brandon Ballenger, Taylor Eversole, Dean Barron.

Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who commit themselves to care for the sick and their families.


Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Telephone: 815-398-3557

St. Mark Memos, the weekly e-newsletter, is distributed each Thursday. The deadline for submission is Monday by 3:00 P.M.
Please click to send submissions.

Sermons Online
Miss a Sunday at St. Mark? Please visit our website and watch the sermons online.
Please click to watch.

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