▪ Events & Programs▪ Non-Commercial Supporting Announcements (NCSA)▪ Government▪ In The Air▪ Important Dates Events & Programs Copyright for New

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Copyright for News Broadcasters Seminar

October 28th @ 10:00 A.M.

With the advent of even more litigation of copyright claims by photographers against news broadcasters, as well as publicity claims by athletes against sports broadcasters, the legal terrain involving copyright and publicity claims against broadcasters is increasingly worrying.

Attorney Chris Beall, of Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz, will walk through these issues and field your burning questions concerning copyright risks and best practices both for your broadcast programming and your online websites in a 90-minute seminar that promises to be lively and engaging.

The seminar will be hosted at KUSA-TV (500 E. Speer Blvd, Denver). Light food and beverage will be provided by the CBA.

Free for CBA Members, $175, per attendee, for Non-Members.


Registration Deadline is Monday, October 26 at 5 PM


Planning Your 2016 Digital Strategies Webinar

November 12th @ 9:00 AM

A digital marketing strategy is essential to take advantage of the growing opportunities for driving revenue.

Learn to develop a strategy for driving digital revenue that’s easy to create and communicate to your team and make 2016 your best digital year ever.

The Planning Your 2016 Digital Strategies Webinar is November 12th at 9:00 AM (MST). Registration deadline is November 9th at 5:00 P.M.


(This webinar is FREE for CBA Members, $75 for Non-Members)

CBA Guide to Advertising in CO 2015 Cover

2015 Broadcasters' Guide to Advertising

Now Available Online

Last year we released our first Broadcasters' Guide to Advertising in Colorado.

This handy little pocket guide will be coming your way in the mail as a thank you for your 2015-2016 membership.

We have also published the guide on our website, at the link below.

This Member's only guide covers many of the legal topics we address at the CBA regularly, including alcohol and marijuana advertising laws, contests and non-Federal candidate campaigns.



Scholarship Awards Have Increased!

Applicants can now apply for up to $750.00 toward a program of their choosing. Station applications can now total up to $2,250 per fiscal year, formerly $2,000.

The increase will help cover the growing costs of continued education programs and help applicants afford training opportunities.

Apply for up to $750 today!


Energy Outreach Campaign

Energy Outreach Colorado has been a longstanding partner of the CBA’s NCSA program. The CBA is excited to announce that Energy Outreach Colorado has returned again this season with an October through November NCSA campaign. The campaign will pick up again in January for one additional month.

Click Below to download the Energy Outreach Colorado messages:




Daniels Fund

Daniels Fund will utilize the CBA's NCSA program to promote its scholarships throughout Colorado. This program is for high school seniors planning to attend college. Up to 250 scholarships were awarded last year. Through the NCSA program Daniels Fund is looking to bring greater awareness and receive more qualified applicants again in 2015.

The Daniels Fund Scholarship campaign is currently running through November 5th, 2015.

Click Below to download the Daniels Fund messages:




Current NCSA Campaigns

NCSA messages are vital to the CBA. Keep us working for you and fulfill community ascertainment requirements with these messages.

Current NCSA Partners:

Daniels Fund (8/5/2015 through 11/5/2015)
Energy Outreach (10/1/2015 through 11/30/2015)

To download these spots click RADIO or TELEVISION.

For more information please contact Shelli at Shelli@ColoradoBroadcasters.org or call (720) 536-5427.

Thank you again for supporting the CBA!


Majority of House of Representatives Now Opposes RIAA-Backed Performance Royalties On Local Radio

from NAB

WASHINGTON, DC -- A majority of the House of Representatives now supports the Local Radio Freedom Act, a resolution that opposes "any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge" on local broadcast radio stations. The resolution, which was introduced in Congress less than eight months ago, has 218 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and 23 in the Senate.

"Local radio stations and the record industry have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for decades that has spurred enormous music creation by new and established artists," said NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith. "We applaud lawmakers for opposing a job-killing performance royalty that would damage this partnership and hurt local radio's ability to serve our communities. Broadcasters across the country look forward to continuing to provide billions of dollars in promotional value for free radio airplay."

A sincere thank you from Colorado's radio and television broadcasters to:
* Congressman Ken Buck (CO-4)
* Congressman Mike Coffman (CO-6)
* Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-5)
* Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-3)
* Senator Cory Gardner

These leaders believe in protecting and supporting Colorado's local, community broadcasters.


calendar image


Broadcast Pioneers of Colorado "Hall of Fame Luncheon"

SEMINAR: "Copyright for News Broadcasters"

WEBINAR: "Planning Your 2016 Digital Strategies"

Visit the CBA Events Calendar to see all upcoming important dates.

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