
PTA Message

Happy Holidays to all Mills families. Wishing you love & warmth in this holiday season.

We also want to send a HUGE thank Mrs. Beachum for all she has contributed to Mills Elementary over the years. The teachers, staff and parents are so grateful! We send you off with a lot of love and thanks!

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Thank you to all families who participated in the Odom Elementary Adopt A Family holiday Gift Giving. We hope that we provided the Odom community with that extra cheer this Holiday season.

If you would like to build up your community in 2021, and want to join the Mills PTA, Use this link to join via our online store.


Yearbook 2020 - 2021

Even though so many things have been canceled this year, the YEARBOOK is HAPPENING! Order your Mills Yearbook, ads or 5th grade dedication before January 15th.


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