Alabama Prisoners Strike “On Hold,” Struggle Against Death Camp Conditions Continues

Update 10/23/2022 |

Inmate Lives Matter

The strike by prisoners throughout the Alabama prison system was placed “on hold” following an October 14 rally by some 200 people outside the Alabama State Capitol supporting their demands. This came after three weeks of prisoners refusing to work and maintaining unity while being fed only two cold, small “meals” a day; and being deprived of medical care, clean laundry, and access to prison commissaries for essential nutritional, hygiene and medical products. Loved ones of incarcerated men and women reported packages not being delivered and being unable to contact prisoners to verify their health and safety, and in at least one instance, an activist placed in segregation as punishment for his role in the strike.

Diyawn Caldwell, president of Both Sides of the Wall, whose husband is incarcerated in Alabama, told, “The strike has not ended, it has been placed on hold to allow the Governor, Legislators, and Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) the opportunity to address and meet our grievances and demands. However, if they don’t give us the opportunity to sit down with them and make a collective effort to address and take some concrete actions to resolve the issues set-forth, then the men/women of the ADOC will resume the strike at an undisclosed time.”

Continue reading here.


Sights and Sounds from NY-NJ 2022 October 22 National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality

We are sharing initial photos from the New York and New Jersey actions. More national sights and sounds will be shared once they are released by the national working core of the October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality.

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New York rally marching to PATH for the trip to Newark NJ

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Fists Up! on the PATH platform

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FISTS Across the Hudson! Joint New York and New Jersey October 22 rally at Newark NJ Federal Building

The Fists Across America slideshow was prepared to build for the national effort for October 22 National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality.

It is available on YouTube at

Go here for the 2022 National Call for October 22 National Day of Protest.


Statement by Carl Dix for 2022 October 22 National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation

This statement by Carl Dix, the co-founder of the October 22 National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality (and the Stop Mass Incarceration Network) was read at the York City (by NYC October 22 Coalition) and at the Newark, NJ (by Peoples Organization for Progress) rallies.

CD Quote O22-2022

We started October 22 because police were killing hundreds of people every year. Cops killed unarmed people, they killed people and claimed they thought the cell phones, wallets, or cigarette lighters the people they killed had in their hands were guns. And almost none of these murdering pigs ever got punished for their crimes.

The victims of this white supremacist terror were mostly young, and disproportionately Black or Brown. And it didn’t matter whether the mayors presiding over this assault of genocidal proportions were democrats or republicans this nationwide epidemic of murder by police continued unabated.

Over the years October 22 provided a platform for families whose lives have been devastated by brutal, murdering cops to speak the truth about what was being done to them. AND October 22 rallied diverse groups of people to come out in support of them and have their backs.

But we gotta be for real: the nationwide epidemic of police murder still continues down today. Cops continue to kill hundreds of people every year and still almost never get punished.

Does this mean that protest makes no difference? Not at all. It [was and still] is necessary to stand up and fight back because without this resistance this system would beat us so far down that we could never rise up and do anything about all the shit they bring down on us.

But resistance by itself will not end the horror of police terror, mass incarceration and the other forms of repression this system enforces on Black and Brown people. That’s all because this repression is built into the fabric of the capitalist/imperialist system we live under. As the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian has said: The role of the police is not to protect and serve the people. It’s to protect and serve the system that rules over the people. This isn’t something you can end by voting for democrats or trying to get elected officials to defund the police.

This racial oppression can be ended, but not under this system. It can be ended by getting rid of this system through an actual revolution one that mobilizes millions of people to rise up and meet and defeat the institutions of violent suppression of this system; one that goes on to build a totally different and far better system in place of this fucked up one. This kind of revolution is not only needed; it’s possible. We have the leadership for it in Bob Avakian, a leader who has developed a strategy for making revolution here in the belly of the imperialist beast and a vision of the kind of world revolution can bring into being.

And now is a rare time when revolution has become more possible. The beautiful uprising in response to the murder of George Floyd points to the possibility of rallying millions of people to take to the streets in opposition to the system’s horrors. And today, the fierce infighting going on among the ruling class and the intense divisions throughout society, this system is becoming more vulnerable.

There’s more to say about this, but my time is short. So let me end by urging you to learn more about this revolution which you can do by watching the Revolution Nothing Less Show on YouTube every week and going to the web site And if you really want to end police terror, and all the other horrors of this system, get with this revolution.


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