Check It Out The Autumn/Winter 2014-15 Issue "officially" publishes on Monday featuring Christian, teen actress Mandalynn Carlson. Soon, you can read

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Check It Out

The Autumn/Winter 2014-15 Issue "officially" publishes on Monday featuring Christian, teen actress Mandalynn Carlson. Soon, you can read more...

Also, Devotion Magazine™ has been slowly going through a transition. We hope you like the new look.

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peter do you love me

An Important Question that Jesus Wants To Ask

Why did Jesus ask Simon Peter this question three times? I believe it was to get Peter to remember it. I believe Peter probably talked about how much he loved Jesus... or at least thought it. Therefore, Jesus wanted Peter to know that "if you truly love Me, Peter, feed My sheep and My lambs. This is how you show Me that you love Me."
For us, it is the same. If we claim to love Jesus, then we will tell others about Him. We will give others the good food of the Word of God. This is how we show how much we love God.

He saith unto him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me?"
Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time,"Lovest thou Me?" And he said unto Him, "Lord, Thou knowest all things; Thou knowest that I love Thee." _
_ Jesus saith unto him, "Feed my sheep." ~John 21:17 KJV

With love through a blessed season,
Bobbie, Founding Editor

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Writers who are in the latest issue.

The American Gospel: Exposed
by Rick L. King

"In writing this article, I hope that each reader will realize that I am just a simple man. I have no formal writing training nor consider myself a great writer either. I just have a message that I believe needs to be shared. I have walked with the Lord for over 35 years. During that time I ..."

Never Unnoticed
by Abby Kelly

"I always think it’s fun to wonder about the people Jesus spoke with, ate with, walked with and laughed with. And of course, the first people who come to mind are His twelve disciples. After that, you might think of Lazarus, Mary and Martha... maybe even Mary Magdalene. I think Nicodemus, the Pharisee who believed, spent extra time with Jesus. But have you ever heard of Joanna?"

Don't Judge Me
by Angela Whitehead

"'Don’t judge me, mom!'

These words seem to roll off my tween daughter’s tongue more times than I can count.

“What exactly does that mean?” I ask.

“It means don’t judge me,” she says again.

This conversation usually takes place when I’ve gotten a glimpse of her room—which looks like a tornado hit it—or discovered a thousand selfies of her on my cell phone..."

For more information about writers who have published articles in Devotion Magazine,™ please visit the writer's page.

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Tired of monkeying around? Get an easier email campaign. I don't do referrals very often, but I definitely recommend Mad Mimi. ~ Bobbie

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