
Come on in to my studio!

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Hand embroidered cotton panel from Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.

Let's take a look at some of the things I've gathered.

It's been cool sharing glimpses of my studio with you.

Here are some of the pieces in my studio that inspire me. I hope you enjoy seeing them.

Check out the link below for a video of the studio!

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Hanging rainbow mobile from the Decordova Museum Shop

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Solar powered (!) window crystal. From one of my favorite haunts, Courtyards in Tiverton RI.

Some of the most prominent pieces in my studio are hanging on the ceiling, off the window, or on doors here and there. Pieces with movement speak to me and, as always, color. Weavings from other artists, mobiles, paintings, books and toys.

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Fusterlandia, Havana, Cuba was one of the most incredible places I have ever seen. I bought back from a family trip.

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Miniature market scene. Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.

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Paintings by Angelina Quic Ixtamer and Antonio Coche Mendoza. (contact me if you are interested in her work rather than going thru 2nd channels)

I love collecting and being surrounded by art that gives me creative energy.

Matisse is one of my favorite artists, and last year I pulled prints of his work from an art calendars and hung them up on my studio.

See more of my collection in this video.

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Thank you for stopping by!

The studio is definitely one of my happy places. It's a bit chaotic but I can find everything I need.

Do you have special spots in your home? Tell me about them.

And don't forget to follow my Instagram account for the latest shares.

Hope you're doing well!

Let me know if there are any details you'd like to see #behindtheloom.


Leaning into springtime?

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This lemon grass and apple mobius shawl is a breath of fresh air. Use it for work, travel, play and cozy time at home.

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I love to combine strong complementary colors. Great energy.

I don't know about you, but I'm excited for spring and summer! My rayon scarves and mobius shawls will help you transition to sunnier weather. Shop all the NEW bright and vibrant pieces- perfect for the warmer seasons, at my store now.

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Soft pastel tones combined with magical supplemental warp ribbons. Enjoy!

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Hot colors and cool combine to make a fun and surprising rayon scarf. Perfect year round.


Come say hello.

My spring event calendar is officially here.
Screenshot or download the image below.


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Email: Phone: (617) 512-5344


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